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[Plugin] [help] crashdetect
Hi, I had a bunch of timeouts that day, suddenly 30 players had timeouts, one after the other. However, I have nothing in the server_log? This error was thrown 5-6 hours before the players had a timeout. I wonder why it doesn't show the exact error, and which line in the script causes it?

[2023-09-03 12:41:38] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access" 
[2023-09-03 12:41:38] [debug] AMX backtrace: 
[2023-09-03 12:41:38] [debug] #0 0002a65c in public OnPlayerCommandText (3, 26756692) from dd.amx 
[2023-09-03 12:41:38] [debug] #1 00022c94 in public OnPlayerText (3, 26756692) from dd.amx
Compile your script with the -d3 flag.
It will show you which line is causing the crash.

Also use https://github.com/pawn-lang/compiler/releases

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