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  How to Switch a SA-MP Server to an open.mp Server?
Posted by: boussaaditn - 2024-07-25, 07:03 PM - Forum: Questions and Suggestions - Replies (1)

Hello everyone,

I currently run a SA-MP server and am interested in switching it over to an open.mp server. Could someone guide me through the process? Specifically, I would like to know:
  1. What files and configurations need to be changed or transferred?
  2. Are there any compatibility issues I should be aware of with existing scripts or plugins?
  3. What are the primary steps involved in making this switch smoothly?

- Any help or pointers to documentation would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

Exclamation D3D9on12.dll SAMP
Posted by: elyandersoncp3 - 2024-07-24, 02:15 AM - Forum: Support - Replies (1)


0x7725C08F RtlClearBits+0xbf em ntdll.dll (+0x6c08f) (0x130AFFEC)
Exceção não tratada em 0x69D166A2 no d3d9on12.dll (+0x266a2): 0xC0000005: Violação de acesso 0x00000059 local de leitura.
Despejo de registro:
        EAX: 0x1A27A8A0  EBX: 0x09C4C970  ECX: 0x00000055  EDX: 0x00000000 
        EDI: 0x124510B8  ESI: 0x0000001D  EBP: 0x130AFEA0  EIP: 0x69D166A2 
        ESP: 0x130AFEA0  EFL: 0x00010206  CS: 0x00000023  SS: 0x0000002B 
        GS: 0x0000002B  FS: 0x00000053  ES: 0x0000002B  DS: 0x0000002B 
Despejo de pilha:
        0x130AFEA0:  130AFEBC 69D15B0F 00000000 12CED978 69D15490 09C49CF8
        0x130AFEB8:  09C4C970 130AFF2C 69D1555E 09C4C970 0000001D 124510B8
        0x130AFED0:  02F31733 12CEB040 69D15490 0000268C 69D16AC0 00002684
        0x130AFEE8:  00000001 12CEB040 69DB0000 00000024 00000001 00000000
        0x130AFF00:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02F3173B 02F31737
        0x130AFF18:  02F31733 130AFED0 130AFFCC 69D64D6B 00000003 130AFF54
        0x130AFF30:  69EEE600 09C49CF8 12CED978 12CEB040 00000001 69DB0000
        0x130AFF48:  00000033 00000000 00000001 130AFF74 69EEF448 12CEB2DC
        0x130AFF60:  00000001 69EEE090 69EEE090 12CEB040 69EEE09D 130AFF84
        0x130AFF78:  74E97BA9 12CEB040 74E97B90 130AFFDC 7725C10B 12CEB040
Base: 0x12EB0000 parte superior: 0x130AFEA0 inferior: 0x130B0000
Backtrace (pode estar errado):
=>0x69D166A2 SetAppCompatData+0x17442 em d3d9on12.dll (+0x266a2) (0x130AFEA0)
0x69D15B0F SetAppCompatData+0x168af em d3d9on12.dll (+0x25b0f) (0x130AFEBC)
0x69D1555E SetAppCompatData+0x162fe em d3d9on12.dll (+0x2555e) (0x130AFF2C)
0x69EEE600 Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9+0x49560 em d3d9.dll (+0x13e600) (0x130AFF54)
0x69EEF448 Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9+0x4a3a8 em d3d9.dll (+0x13f448) (0x130AFF74)
0x74E97BA9 BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19 em KERNEL32.DLL (+0x17ba9) (0x130AFF84)
0x7725C10B RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x6b em ntdll.dll (+0x6c10b) (0x130AFFDC)

Heart [ENG] Project Los Angeles [Roleplay]
Posted by: jarrad2002 - 2024-07-22, 10:02 AM - Forum: Advertisements - No Replies

Welcome to Project Los Angeles!

HostName: [P:LA] Project Los Angeles Roleplay [0.3.7]
Players:  1 / 50
Ping:    31
Mode:    Roleplay P:LA v5.3
Language: English


Project Los Angeles is a brand new server coming to life today! featuring some immense roleplay scenarios and also a whole lot of fun! :) 

We are looking for a lot of members for factions, or even some leaders if you prove yourself eligible.

  • Los Angeles Police Department 
  • Los Angeles Fire Department 
  • Fox News
  • Rapid Recovery
  • Gov - Closed due to insufficient members atm
  • Los Angeles Sheriff's Department - Closed due to insufficient members

And lots more to choose from, or if you wanted to be on the other side of the law, then there is an Complete in game family / gang creation which would be done within 10/15 Minutes + Turf 

We would also be looking for OOC Staff Members like Administrators, Moderators, Mappers

Thankyou for taking the time to read this advertisement, we really hope to see you in game :) 

  [ 0.3.7 ] UI Textdraw Artwork Showcase
Posted by: focus - 2024-07-22, 08:54 AM - Forum: Videos and Screenshots - No Replies

[Image: Screenshot-400.png]
[Image: Screenshot-199.png]
[Image: Screenshot-200.png]
[Image: Screenshot-216.png]
[Image: Screenshot-254.png]
[Image: Screenshot-256.png]
[Image: Screenshot-257.png]
[Image: Screenshot-270.png]
[Image: Screenshot-299.png]
[Image: Screenshot-322.png]
[Image: Screenshot-327.png]
[Image: Screenshot-328.png]
[Image: Screenshot-329.png]
[Image: Screenshot-341.png]
[Image: Screenshot-365.png]
[Image: Screenshot-49.png]
[Image: Screenshot-46.png]
[Image: Screenshot-44.png]

  Network issue fix for remote items
Posted by: Amr - 2024-07-21, 08:38 AM - Forum: Questions and Suggestions - No Replies

Please fix the network connection issues between the client and server by making it more stable and sending more acknowledgments in case of packet losses so the server can control the lost IDs of remote items such as world objects, textdraws, dialog boxes,  etc.. since there are many bugs!

Star A code alternative for finding an empty slot properly
Posted by: Amr - 2024-07-19, 11:23 AM - Forum: Programming - No Replies

Finding the First Empty Slot in an Array

To determine the index of the first empty slot in a 0-indexed array Arr of size 1024, with an additional precaution against potential overflow.


int SizeArr = 1024;      // Size of the array
int Arr[SizeArr + 1];    // Array with additional slot

int i = 1;                // Initialization of index i

while (Arr)        // Loop until an empty slot is found

return i % (SizeArr + 1) - 1;  // Return the index of the empty slot

  1. Array Declaration:
    • int Arr[SizeArr + 1];
      declares an array Arr with 1025 elements, including an additional slot to handle edge cases and prevent overflow.
  2. Initialization of i:
    • int i = 1;
      starts i at 1 to facilitate the search for the first empty slot while adjusting for 0-based indexing with Arr[i - 1].
  3. While Loop:
    • while (Arr[i - 1]) i++;
      iterates i until it finds an index where Arr[i - 1] is zero, indicating an empty slot in the array.
  4. Return Statement:
    • return i % (SizeArr + 1) - 1;
      calculates and returns the index of the first empty slot:
      • i % (SizeArr + 1)
        ensures i wraps within the array bounds, accounting for the extra slot.
      • - 1
        adjusts i to be a 0-based index, aligning with typical C/C++ array indexing conventions.
  • Overflow Protection: By allocating an extra element (`Arr[SizeArr]`), the code guards against potential overflow issues during array traversal.
  • Robustness: Handles various scenarios by locating the first empty slot in the array Arr, accommodating specific conditions where zero signifies an empty slot.
  • Ensure the array initialization and usage align with application-specific requirements regarding empty slot definitions and array indexing conventions.

  Client features and settings
Posted by: Amr - 2024-07-18, 08:47 PM - Forum: Questions and Suggestions - No Replies

It would be great if we could control the vehicle radios by changing/disabling channels as well as setting the sprint of the player to be infinite, it would be much fun as well if we included NPCs that can control themselves by walking/entering vehicles or buildings without the need to record them.

  [0.4]Top Down City Server
Posted by: MEGAMIND - 2024-07-17, 09:38 AM - Forum: Advertisements - No Replies

[Image: iWfiKKk.png]

Server Name  :[0.3.7]Top Down City Server
Game-Mode  :  Top Down City v4
Map  :  SAMP
Player Slots  :  100
Domain (no-ip): wno-host.ddns.net:7777
IRC Channel  :  #TDCS On LUNet (OR) Kiwi IRC (OR) Mibbit
Scripted by  :  MEGAMIND
Server IP :-  wno-host.ddns.net:7777

SAMP SERVER: https://www.youtube.com/embed/mLATZbztoP8 / https://www.youtube.com/embed/iuIiFXpcibY

Our Social Links :-
Website  -    https://tdcs.netlify.app//
Youtube -  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...N9z2RbRnAp
IRC LINK:-  https://client02.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.liberty-unleashed.co.uk&channel=%23TDCS
KiwiIRC:- https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/#TDC

Founder :- Megamind & Khattaks.

  Want to make an android app?
Posted by: MEGAMIND - 2024-07-17, 09:32 AM - Forum: Programming - Replies (1)

i dont know if i am in wrong board, kindly do guide me where to post as its also offtopic sharing an invite link for https://discord.gg/fD93Bx5SqP cordova.js developers if any one might be interested they can join and create android apps based on html,js,css for android or ios https://cordova.apache.org/ as the platform it self is awsome but there was no discord chanel for it, so decided to make one

Note: its not for samp related coding, but u can surely make an android app that links to samp somewhere

  hi I want to Add it a system Enter any door without pressing y on pwn, but I can't
Posted by: ibrahimbanihani141 - 2024-07-17, 03:33 AM - Forum: Pawn Scripting - No Replies

hi I want to Add it a system Enter any door without pressing y on pwn, but I can't find a word OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup