Hello Community, I came with great idea about Camera Manipulation!?
- playerid = Who's camera to be created?
- X, Y = 2D Coords for UI (like textdraw)
- Size = Size of UI
I also recommend to just Copy-Paste TextDraw UI and edit it to works with Cameras cuz every argument we need like size, outline, shadow is there...?
Show playerid's camera to targetid as UI
Also attaching cameras to objects will be great thing!
native CreatePlayerCamera(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Size);
- X, Y = 2D Coords for UI (like textdraw)
- Size = Size of UI
I also recommend to just Copy-Paste TextDraw UI and edit it to works with Cameras cuz every argument we need like size, outline, shadow is there...?
native AttachPlayerCameraToPlayer(playerid, targetid);
Also attaching cameras to objects will be great thing!