2020-12-21, 02:06 PM
I have this errors with the latest pawn compiler
that's de line:
this is stock:
error 092: functions may not return arrays of unknown size (symbol "Adrian")
that's de line:
Adrian(B, item, 0);
this is stock:
stock Adrian(playerid, string[], V)
new A, B, C;
? ? switch(random(5))
? ? {
? ? ? ? case 0: V = 1;
? ? ? ? case 1: V = 3;
? ? ? ? case 2: V = 5;
? ? ? ? case 3: V = 7;
? ? ? ? case 4: V = 9;
? ? }
? ? PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoserLevel] = V;
case 1:
A = 3;
B = 4;
C = 7;
case 3:
A = 8;
B = 9;
C = 1;
case 5:
A = 3;
B = 7;
C = 4;
case 7:
A = 1;
B = 3;
C = 9;
case 9:
A = 5;
B = 2;
C = 6;
for(new i, l = strlen(string); i < l; i)
? ? case 48..57:
string[i] = A;
if(string[i] > 57) string[i] -= 10;
? ? case 65..90:
string[i] = B;
if(string[i] > 90) string[i] -= 26;
case 97..122:
? ? string[i] = C;
if(string[i] > 122) string[i] -= 26;
return string;