2020-12-23, 02:03 AM
Im trying to create this table if it doesn't exist, just as a backup in the event i some how manage to lose the sql.
I've tried using strcat i've tried looking at?https://www.burgershot.gg/showthread.php?tid=660 and i just get the same message
I've tried using strcat i've tried looking at?https://www.burgershot.gg/showthread.php?tid=660 and i just get the same message
PHP Code:
? mysql_tquery(SQL_CONNECTION, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `characters` (? `ID` int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,? `A_ID` int(6) NOT NULL,? `Name` varchar(34) NOT NULL,? `RegisterIP` varchar(16) NOT NULL,? `RegisterDate` int(12) NOT NULL,? `LatestIP` varchar(16) NOT NULL,? `Tutorial` int(2) NOT NULL,? `Level` int(5) NOT NULL,? `VIP` int(2) NOT NULL,? `Human` int(1) NOT NULL,? `Zombie` int(1) NOT NULL,? `Talent` int(1) NOT NULL,? `XP` int(6) NOT NULL,? `Cash` int(11) NOT NULL,? `Skin` int(3) NOT NULL,? `PosX` float NOT NULL,? `PosY` float NOT NULL,? `PosZ` float NOT NULL,? `VWorld` int(4) NOT NULL,? `Interior` int(2) NOT NULL,? `Age` int(3) NOT NULL,? `Gender` int(2) NOT NULL,? `Kicks` int(5) NOT NULL,? `Muted` int(2) NOT NULL,? `Faction` int(2) NOT NULL,? `Rank` int(2) NOT NULL,? `Health` float NOT NULL,? `Armour` float NOT NULL,? `hEntered` int(5) NOT NULL,? `bEntered` int(5) NOT NULL,? `Vehicles` int(3) NOT NULL,? `Bank` int(12) NOT NULL,? `ExemptIP` int(11) NOT NULL,? `TotalTimePlayed` int(12) NOT NULL,? `OnlinePeriod` int(12) NOT NULL,? `Payday` int(12) NOT NULL,? `LastOnline` int(12) NOT NULL,? `Cuffed` int(1) NOT NULL,? `Spawn` int(1) NOT NULL,? `Jail` int(4) NOT NULL,? `Radio` int(2) NOT NULL,? `RadioFreq` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 27,? `Weapons` varchar(104) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0',? `Uniform` int(4) NOT NULL,? `Screwdriver` int(2) NOT NULL,? PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),? UNIQUE KEY `Username` (`Name`),? UNIQUE KEY `ID` (`ID`))");
? return 1;
PHP Code:
error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
error 017: undefined symbol "CREATE"
error 017: undefined symbol "IF"
fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line