Hello there!
I am working on House System and i am using ini to store data.
The problem is, that the data does not load.
Each of 307 houses is printed, so it looks like file name is loading correctly, but not?HI[houseid][hHouseOwned].
Because in the file,?HI[houseid][hHouseOwned] = 666, but it prints 0 wich is not correct.
What am i doing bad?
I am working on House System and i am using ini to store data.
The problem is, that the data does not load.
#define PATH3 "/Houses/%s.ini"
#define MAX_HOUSES 308
public OnGameModeInit()
? ? ?for(new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i)
? ? ?{
? ? ? ? ? ? INI_ParseFile(House(i), "LoadHouses_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = i);
? ? ?}
? ? return 1;
forward LoadHouses_data(houseid, name[], value[]);
public LoadHouses_data(houseid, name[], value[])
? ? if(fexist(House(houseid)))
? ? {? ??
? ? ? ?INI_String("HouseOwner",HI[houseid][hHouseOwner],24);
? ? ? ?INI_Int("HouseOwned",HI[houseid][hHouseOwned]);
? ? ? ?printf("House: %i / HouseOwned = %i",houseid,HI[houseid][hHouseOwned]);
stock House(Houseid)
new string[128],HouseName[24];
format(HouseName,sizeof(HouseName), "House_ID_%i",Houseid);
return string;
Each of 307 houses is printed, so it looks like file name is loading correctly, but not?HI[houseid][hHouseOwned].
Because in the file,?HI[houseid][hHouseOwned] = 666, but it prints 0 wich is not correct.
House: 0 / HouseOwned = 0
House: 1 / HouseOwned = 0
What am i doing bad?