Based on this actor:
With editdynamic object i found a formula to get the weapon position based on actor position?(to put the weapon in actor hands):
For this actor it become amazing:
I did think that it gonna work with all other actores, but didn't:
Anybody more experienced could help me to make the weapon works on all actor like the first one (24/7)?
Would be an amazing feature to all servers do in some way put a weapon on actor hands based on his position...
(i know about npc, i want fix this way to put this weapons for actors)
// 24-7
CreateDynamicActor(bizzid, 17, 142, -29.0206,-186.8182,1003.5469,1.6775);
With editdynamic object i found a formula to get the weapon position based on actor position?(to put the weapon in actor hands):
? ? // created [15:21:57] x[-29.020599] y[-186.818206] z[1003.546875] RotX[0] RotY[0] RotZ[0]
? ? new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz;
? ? GetDynamicActorPos(actorid, x, y, z);
? ? // moved [15:23:45] x[-28.945550] y[-186.275421] z[1003.882324] rx[0.000000] ry[-3.300002] rz[98.899940]
? ? x = 1.0;
? ? x -= 0.924951;
? ? y = 0.542785;
? ? z = 0.335449;
? ? rx = 0.0;
? ? ry = -3.300002;
? ? rz = 98.899940;
? ? DestroyDynamicObject(ActorInfo[actorid][actorGun]);
? ? ActorInfo[actorid][actorGun] = CreateDynamicObject(GetGunObjectID(24), x, y, z, rx, ry, rz);
For this actor it become amazing:
I did think that it gonna work with all other actores, but didn't:
// pizza
CreateDynamicActor(bizzid, 5, 155, 374.7394,-117.2788,1001.4922,180.5908);
// alambra
CreateDynamicActor(bizzid, 17, 194, 501.6993,-20.4994,1000.6797,88.5219);
Anybody more experienced could help me to make the weapon works on all actor like the first one (24/7)?
Would be an amazing feature to all servers do in some way put a weapon on actor hands based on his position...
(i know about npc, i want fix this way to put this weapons for actors)