2021-04-04, 03:39 PM
(2021-04-04, 02:13 PM)robertocaribbean Wrote:(2021-04-04, 12:27 PM)CrypticSin Wrote: I know how to store user information, like the username, password, register date and all that but i was wondering if this has a similiar approach with saving skins and position of a player?
Im using phpmyadmin for mysql, and most people use Y_INI in their gamemodes. If it get's really complicated i might have to switch to Y_INI to store user data unless i find a way to do it on MySql.
I will show you an example of storing a player's skin.
I will use SQLite, but for MySQL, it's the same approach with different function names when you associate the result of the fields on a variable. Anyway, I have no experience with MySQL, so take these words carefully.
PHP Code:#include <a_samp>
// Suppose USER_ID and USER_NICKNAME are already associated with the database, that is to say, you already have a login/register system, so I only show you how to store skin information when the player exits and how to set the player's skin when the player connects.
new DB:db_handle; // Create a global variable to make a db connection and manipulate later on the code.
enum USER_DATA {
? ? USER_ID,
? ? USER_SKIN // We need to use this only for when the player connects.
public OnGameModeInit() {
? ? db_handle = db_open("main.db");
? ? if (db_handle) {
? ? ? ? print("Successfully created a connection to database \"main.db\".");
? ? ? ? db_free_result(db_query(db_handle, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, nickname TEXT, skin INTEGER)"));
? ? }
? ? else {
? ? ? ? print("Failed to open a connection to database \"main.db\".");
? ? }
? ? return 1;
// To store the skin that the player has before exit, all you need to do is to get the player skin and use the UPDATE clause from SQL.
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) {
? ? new query[256];
? ? format(query, sizeof query, "UPDATE users SET skin = '%i' WHERE nickname ='%q'", GetPlayerSkin(playerid), gUserData[playerid][USER_NICKNAME]);
? ? db_query(db_handle, query);
? ? // Reset player variables
? ? new
? ? ? ? tmp[USER_DATA];
? ? gUserData[playerid] = tmp;
? ? return 1;
// Now you need to set the skin stored in the database to the player, and then make it spawn with that skin for example.
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
? ? new query[256], DBResult: result; // Create a query variable and DBResult to free the result of the query.
? ? // Suppose we have a function to check the player login succefully.
? ? if (login()) {
? ? ? ? SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Login succefully.");
? ? ? ? // We make the query, selecting all fields from the users table.
? ? ? ? format(query, sizeof query, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE nickname='%q' LIMIT 1", gUserData[playerid][USER_NICKNAME]);
? ? ? ? result = db_query(db_handle, query);
? ? ? ? // If there any row, it says that the user registered has the fields that you declare before (id, nickname and skin).
? ? ? ? if (db_num_rows (result)) {
? ? ? ? ? ? // So we will proceed to associate the result of the field "skin" from the database to our variable gUserData[playerid][USER_SKIN].
? ? ? ? ? ? gUserData[playerid][USER_SKIN] = db_get_field_assoc_int(result, "skin");
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
else {
? ? ? ? ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Login", "La contrase?a que ingresaste es incorrecta.\nPor favor, intenta de nuevo!", "Ingresar", "Salir");
? ? }
? ? db_free_result(result); // Free the query result.
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) {
? ? SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, gUserData[playerid][USER_SKIN], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Here is where we use the value already passed to our variable from the database.
? ? SpawnPlayer(playerid);
? ? return 1;
I hope this helps you a little bit!
Hi thanks for your help!?
What if i wanted to store more user data like player kills, gamescore, deaths etc.. Will i have to follow the same pattern as you showed for the skins or is there a shorter way of saving these information?