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[Pawn] HELP! How to Make Moving, Running, Text Draw With Box ?
Not tested.

new td_timer_id;

new Float:td_x_amount;

new Text:Textdraw;

forward TextdrawMove();

main() {

? ? Textdraw = TextDrawCreate(0.0, 430.0, "This is an example textdraw");

? ? td_timer_id = SetTimer("TextdrawMove", 100, true);


public TextdrawMove() {

? ? td_x_amount = 10.0;

? ? if(td_x_amount >= 644.0)

? ? ? ? td_x_amount = 0.0;

? ? TextDrawDestroy(Textdraw);

? ? Textdraw = TextDrawCreate(td_x_amount, 430.0,?"This is an example textdraw");

? ? foreach(new i: Player)

? ? ? ? TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw);


Messages In This Thread
RE: HELP! How to Make Moving, Running, Text Draw With Box ? - by Radical - 2021-06-23, 07:37 PM

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