Well off course! And you absolutely should do that! You're also already doing it in fact when including includes.. Thus use #include to include different files.
#include <someInclude> would attempt to include "PATH_TO_INCLUDES_DIRECTORY/someInclude.inc"
#include "someInclude.inc" or #include "someInclude" would attempt to include "PATH_RELATIVE_FILE/someInclude.inc" (you could use different extensions. Eg. gamemode sf-cnr uses .pwn for all includes -- don't, though. ".inc" is the correct file extension)
For example:
There are probably 'rules' around as how to name files (eg. using 'header.inc' and 'impl.inc' files) but I'm too noob for that :-)
Here are a few gamemodes that do use multiple files in case you need examples.?
Ultimately this will all be combined into one file (by the pre-processor) - including the plugins. It has no effect on the performance of the server.
If you're curious and want to see that for yourself, compile with option "-l" (either put #pragma option -l in your script (do use the latest compiler) or append it to pawncc args).
This will show the output of the stage after the pre-processor's output and before compiling it to assembler code/binary file (amx) in a .asm file. This for example (note that this doesn't make much sense):
Would output something like this: (without "#file" and "#line" outputs: when using -l it adds that to the script to show what's where)
#include <someInclude> would attempt to include "PATH_TO_INCLUDES_DIRECTORY/someInclude.inc"
#include "someInclude.inc" or #include "someInclude" would attempt to include "PATH_RELATIVE_FILE/someInclude.inc" (you could use different extensions. Eg. gamemode sf-cnr uses .pwn for all includes -- don't, though. ".inc" is the correct file extension)
For example:
#include <a_samp>
#include "src/assembly.inc"
public OnGameModeInit()
??? print("Final OnGameModeInit() call!");
??? return 1;
#include "src/init.inc"
#include "src/server/mysql.inc"
#include <YSI_Coding\y_hooks>
hook OnGameModeInit()
??? print("First OnGameModeInit() call! Start loading gamemode");
?? return 1;
#include <YSI_Coding\y_hooks>
hook OnGameModeInit()
??? print("Second OnGameModeInit() call! Setting up MySQL connection");
??? return 1;
There are probably 'rules' around as how to name files (eg. using 'header.inc' and 'impl.inc' files) but I'm too noob for that :-)
Here are a few gamemodes that do use multiple files in case you need examples.?
Ultimately this will all be combined into one file (by the pre-processor) - including the plugins. It has no effect on the performance of the server.
If you're curious and want to see that for yourself, compile with option "-l" (either put #pragma option -l in your script (do use the latest compiler) or append it to pawncc args).
This will show the output of the stage after the pre-processor's output and before compiling it to assembler code/binary file (amx) in a .asm file. This for example (note that this doesn't make much sense):
#include "myInclude.inc"
#pragma option -l
#define MY_CONSTANT 5
native print(const string[]);
Would output something like this: (without "#file" and "#line" outputs: when using -l it adds that to the script to show what's where)
native print(const string[]);
??? print("MY_CONSTANT IS "#5);