2021-09-29, 01:05 AM
(2021-07-10, 09:47 AM)Kwarde Wrote: Double posting here, but I started using pawncc on my Linux distro again (last time it wouldn't work, no idea why (multilib was on)).
This is what I'm using:
? ? // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
? ? // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
? ? "version": "2.0.0",
? ? "tasks": [
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? "label": "build",
? ? ? ? ? ? "type": "shell",
? ? ? ? ? ? "command": "/usr/bin/pawncc",
? ? ? ? ? ? "args": ["${file}", "\"-;\"", "\"-(\"", "-i\"/home/kevin/.pawno/includes/\""],
? ? ? ? ? ? "group": {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "kind": "build",
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "isDefault": true
? ? ? ? ? ? },
? ? ? ? ? ? "isBackground": false,
? ? ? ? ? ? "presentation":{
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "reveal": "silent",
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "clear": false,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "panel": "dedicated"
? ? ? ? ? ? },
? ? ? ? ? ? "problemMatcher": [
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "base":"$pawncc",
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "fileLocation": "relative"
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? ]
? ? ? ? }
? ? ]
Note that you should change:
- Path to your pawncc binary (although you really should place it in /usr/bin, thus you should not actually change this here)
- Path to your includes directory
- Eventual extra compile parameters. My script handles all the other parameters (depening on what environment it's being compiled on)
I've tried to use your task
but in the output shows:
Error: the description can't be converted into a problem matcher:
? ? "base": "$pawncc",
? ? "fileLocation": "relative"
And when i try to compile it shows
in the terminal it shows
3811 Warnings.
but it had only 5 before :O
some warnings are too strange
like this:
warning 239: literal array/string passed to a non-const parameter
on this line
SetTimerEx("SalveHome", 10, false, "i", id);
form this function
public SalveHome(houseid) {
and it is not creating the GM.amx
i'm doing something wrong?