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GTA SA DE is the future
Why dont sa-mp team or open.mp team release open.mp or samp support for SA DE, I installed the game some year ago, and now tried it again, its better than regular san andreas.

And it looks cool with the white colors which sorround the players, this is cool:


GTA SA Defintive edition is the future, its based on the same engine as fortnite and people would pay money to play this online in years from now. Open MP is the future and can save people.

Theres even better grahpics in GTA SA DE than regular GTA san andreas, so what do the developers of open mp think? :)

Which road is open mp gonna take, I dont hang around on discord so I dont know what you chat about there.

Messages In This Thread
GTA SA DE is the future - by NoxxeR - 2023-02-01, 08:52 PM
RE: GTA SA DE is the future - by Gforcez - 2023-02-10, 03:18 PM
RE: GTA SA DE is the future - by CorkFart69 - 2024-04-10, 03:19 PM
RE: GTA SA DE is the future - by Westorz - 2024-04-10, 05:28 PM

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