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[Question] Many questions regarding open-mp
Thank you for your answer, really appreciated.

I'm already using Sublmite Text but compiling with qawno doesn't make any difference.

The thing that makes me mad is first there's NO tutorial regarding Sa-Mp > OpenMP conversion and second, the errors/warnings I'm getting (apart the deprecated functions that I can easily fix them) doesn't show while using normal SaMp includes, even with latest YSI.

Third, I don't understand why I need to see includes warnings when with old SaMp includes I wasn't getting, seriously who cares? I can understand errors but why warnings of ALL includes I'm using?

I'm at a blind spot, I have warnings/errors regarding bools, textdraws, functions etc. everything that I wasn't getting while compiling with Sa-Mp includes.

I've tried to join the OpenMP discord but it says link not valid.

I cannot figure out this and how I can fix it. Knowing the experience of who made OpenMP, I would've expected a better introduction for openmp newbies regarding the conversion, instead, the only documentation we have is a bunch of links, one different from another (use this qawno includes, but then use strlib includes). Why you have to make it so hard?

The 3 read me files (newbie intermediate and expert) doesn't help me at all. I've 10 years of coding experience and I've never seen something like this.

Errors and warnings spawns like cheaters in a russian server, even if you haven't made ANY change to ANY file/include.

Asking at the Discord server won't help me for sure cause I cannot list EVERY single error/warning I'm getting, and, I don't know why but it's for sure...i'll have "default" answers such as:

Update YSI
Update Includes

And shit like this that won't help me at ALL.

Tell me why with normal Sa-Mp includes, my gamemode compiles with 0 ERRORS and 0 WARNINGS, then I switch to OpenMP and I'm getting a bunch load of errors/warnings.

It's not something related MY code.

Messages In This Thread
Many questions regarding open-mp - by JasonDeRue - 2023-08-25, 12:51 PM
RE: Many questions regarding open-mp - by Markski - 2023-08-27, 11:39 PM
RE: Many questions regarding open-mp - by JasonDeRue - 2023-09-05, 09:07 AM

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