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[Server] HELP Me 4 Waring undefined symbol "signLabels"
The warning "warning 215: expression has no effect" means that the compiler has detected an expression that has no impact on the execution of the program. This often happens when a line of code performs no concrete action, such as assigning a value or calling a function.

In your code, this error might occur if the compiler doesn’t correctly recognize certain values or if you have a poorly formed expression.

To identify and fix this warning, here are a few checks you can perform:
  • Check the value of "INVALID_TEXT_LABEL" : "If INVALID_TEXT_LABEL" is not defined, or if it is incorrectly defined, this could cause the warning.
  • Ensure all expressions are correct: Sometimes, a poorly written expression or incorrect use of an operator can trigger this warning.

Here are some suggestions:
  • Make sure "INVALID_TEXT_LABEL" is properly defined, for example:
#define INVALID_TEXT_LABEL -1 // or another appropriate value

  • Make sure your for loop has an expression that has an effect, such as initializing an array.

Here’s an example:

#define MAX_SIGNS_ADMIN 10
#define INVALID_TEXT_LABEL -1 // Ensure this constant is correctly defined

new signLabels[MAX_SIGNS_ADMIN];
new Float:signPositions[MAX_SIGNS_ADMIN][3];

public OnGameModeInit()
    for (new i = 0; i < MAX_SIGNS_ADMIN; i++)
        signLabels[i] = INVALID_TEXT_LABEL; // Ensure this assignment is valid

    if (signPositions[0][0] == 0.0 || signPositions[0][1] == 0.0 || signPositions[0][2] == 0.0)
        printf("error: invalid float values!");
        return 0;

    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
RE: HELP Me 4 Waring undefined symbol "signLabels" - by julien.roblique - 2024-08-30, 07:41 PM

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