2019-04-18, 07:15 PM
- Completely new dialog system:?Timer-based dialogs (where the button can only be pressed after the time is passed and the time on the response button updates) in seconds,
Dialogs with the ability to have up?to 4 responses,
Dialogs with font settings such as font size, font face, boldness, italic, underlining and strike-through,
Maybe a DIALOG_STYLE_FORM so we can have multiple inputtexts? (IDK really lmao)
- Custom vehicle handling?
- The whole class selection bullshit cleared up.
- New dialog system because the current one looks crap as fuck. Maybe give the ability to choose between two designs or go for a newer one completely.
- Native pause system.
- Ability to reload plugins in runtime.
- Detection for more keys (if not all, for security reasons) and a better system for it, the current method is ridiculous.
- Ability to reconnect to the same server - not switch, but reconnect to the same server.
- Toggle for ambience as added in the previous SA-MP update.
- Server hostname color embedding (in-game only)
- Maximum characters for playername upto 32.
- More textdraw fonts?
- Voice chat programmed with keeping the voice channels planned, so we can easily integrate team vc etc.
- Better server configuration file plz the .cfg sucks.
- Screen based text labels - Like the one that shows up when you play audio stream with the same functions as mentioned in the dialogs one.
- Checkpoint color customization with color codes?
- Server sided timecyc?
- Toggle for interior exits, garage doors, pay and sprays etc.
- Updated textdraw API textdraw movement.
- Accurate timers?
- Ability to switch weapons while in vehicle.
- Cutscene skins added
- Friendly fire for vehicles with a callback
- Screenshot and chat typing detection.
- Enable the disabled graphic stuff in SA-MP (vegetation, shadows etc)
- Better audio streaming ( playing mp3 which are linked in a specific folder Incognito's audio plugin features)
- Proper damage detection (vehicle ram/ heli blade/ car ram etc)
- Removing the SetSpawnInfoEx or w.e. it is because the team parameter is broken
- Unoccupied vehicles having the ability to take the damage.
- Removing or changing the default ban system.
- More options for OnPlayerClickPlayer, right now it only works when the name is clicked on the scoreboard.
- Player oxygen related native
- add cat pics
- Resizing objects
- Fixing the bypass to dialog inputs using copy-paste.
- Vehicle crash patches
- Discord rich presence please
- Update the SQLite integration
- SA-MP features (hi hual)
- SoRt AnD fIlTeR fOr GaMeModEs, so we can filter out/ in TDM, DM, RP etc. in the launcher.
- OnPlayerHoverTextdraw
- Hiding vehicle icons in the map
- Square and circle map icons (for players too)
I think that's enough for now :P