I think the greatest advantage would be the number of players that already play MTA, and the second one is the very advanced level of the features it has. Downsides: their forum is ugly, sorry.
Still I love the very idea of open.mp and the reasons behind it, so I think they should grow as separate projects.
Whatever happens, I will stay here as long as I can port my existing SA-MP code.
You are right, thousands of CreateObject lines in your game mode that slow down compilation time are certainly much better :D!
Still I love the very idea of open.mp and the reasons behind it, so I think they should grow as separate projects.
Whatever happens, I will stay here as long as I can port my existing SA-MP code.
(2019-04-25, 08:27 PM)ohmios Wrote: XML is fucking everywhere in MTA, fuck XML.
You are right, thousands of CreateObject lines in your game mode that slow down compilation time are certainly much better :D!