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[Pawn] How to solve this !? (Difficulty: Expert)
I want to clear all the elements of an enumerator in an automatic manner using a stock so i won't need to update this stock everytime i add a new variable/element to the enum. But there is a problem, it works only if there are integer variables in the enum.?How can i make it work which?arrays and integers both :

enum player_data


? ? password [26],

? ? player_mode,

? ? spawned,

? ? kills,

? ? deaths


stock ClearPlayerData (playerid)


? ??for (new i = 0; i < sizeof (PlayerInfo []); i)

? ? {

? ? ? ? PlayerInfo [playerid][player_data : i] = 0;

? ? }

? ? return 1;


Messages In This Thread
How to solve this !? (Difficulty: Expert) - by mouiz - 2019-07-07, 06:05 PM

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