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[Library] y_hooks 4 - Hook callbacks, functions, and natives.
(2019-06-02, 09:14 PM)Y_Less Wrote:
PHP Code:
#include <YSI_Coding\y_hooks>

hook function SetPlayerPos(playeridFloat:xFloat:yFloat:z)


return continue(
playeridxyz  0.1);

Last time I talked to you, I was told to do "hook native SetPlayerPos". Does that still work? or should I switch those to "hook function SetPlayerPos"?


I got a response via Discord. For anyone else who might want to know this; yes "hook native" & "hook function" both do the same thing for hooking natives.

Messages In This Thread
RE: y_hooks 4 - Hook callbacks, functions, and natives. - by Chaprnks - 2020-03-31, 03:05 PM

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