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[Pawn] warning 219: local variable "i" shadows a variable at a preceding level
Quote:he other warnings that i have is : warning 213: tag mismatch: expected tags "Float", or none ("_"); but found "PlayerText" BECAUSE:
Note the definition of function SetTimerEx:
native SetTimerEx(funcname[], interval, repeating, const format[], /*>>*/{Float,_}:/*<<*/...);
Just like the warning says, it expects either a variable with tag none (_) or Float. Either change the definition of the function or force pass it with no tag (that is what you should do)
SetTimerEx("spawn", 3000, 0, "ii", playerid, _:drawid);

Messages In This Thread
RE: warning 219: local variable "i" shadows a variable at a preceding level - by Kwarde - 2021-02-10, 07:29 PM

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