(2021-02-12, 10:04 PM)mems Wrote: i guess i should've elaborated a bit on the gang part. that gang thing is made out of just commands, like "/gangmembers" or "/setganglevel" simple stuff. what you're doing is actually close but i'd like an example which has to do with loading every account from the scriptfiles folder. i could elaborate more on the scriptfiles part if you don't understand.
To do this we need the readdir() (Read a Directory) function that does not exist in the SA-MP library.
But I still have a way for you to do it. look:
When a new player registered,?add him name to the 'allusers.txt' file.
new File: handle = fopen("allusers.txt", io_write), Name[28];
GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, 24);
format(Name, 28, "%s\r\n", Name);
fwrite(handle, Name);
Now with the previous code I gave, like that, you can load all the players data or you can set or give?all players level or something.
new File: handle = fopen("allusers.txt", io_read), nick[24];
while(fread(handle, nick)) {
? ? ? ? ? ? // things ...
? ? ? ? }
} else {
print("The file \"allusers.txt\" does not exists, or can't be opened.");
I hope it works for you.