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[Plugin] samp-crypto - bcrypt, scrypt & argon2 hashing
samp crypto
A SAMP cryptography plugin written in Rust. This plugin was written as a means to make it really simple for anyone to transition from Whirlpool, SHA256_PassHash or any other hashing method similar to these without major script changes, like the other bcrypt plugins do. This is my first plugin written in Rust, I tried cleaning up all my code and I will continue to do so however you may still see some older code. If you wish to clean it up please fork the repo, make changes and create a PR! I will happily review and accept it.
[Image: total.svg] [Image: samp-crypto.svg] [Image: samp-crypto.svg]

Encryption Methods
  • Bcrypt
  • Scrypt
  • Argon2i (Argon2d and 2id will be brought out soon if demand is there)
  • Head to the release page and download the latest version of samp crypto (https://github.com/infin1tyy/samp-crypto/releases).

  • Place the .inc into your pawno/include folder.

  • Place the .dll or .so in your plugins folder (if one doesn't exist, create a new one).

  • Add?samp_crypto?to your server.cfg (if on linux, add?libsamp_crypto.so?to your server.cfg instead.

  • Enjoy!
How to Use
Click me to go to the wiki!

Source Code

The credits can be found?here, in the GitHub README.md

I was debating whether or not I should release this for a while. After what has been going on in SAMP, with essentially the community being divided between the players in the Discord and the SAMP forum, I wasn't sure who to support. A lot of the people from this community have been quite spiteful towards me, however, I'm putting that in the past and I suppose my support is with you lot.
samp crypto will be a burgershot.gg exclusive.
Special thanks to iAmir & Dakyskye from the bottom of my heart.
For anyone who didn't believe in me, fuck you I suppose. :joy: Maybe this'll prove I'm worth something. And I'd like to apologize for never delivering on that Postgres plugin, but do know that I still have it in mind and I'll make it happen whenever I have the experience to do so.

Messages In This Thread
samp-crypto - bcrypt, scrypt & argon2 hashing - by Bork - 2019-04-14, 11:40 PM

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