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OpenMP/SAMP version of Jenkins EssentialsX Minercaft Plugin?
If you play minecraft and know how servers/plugins works there, you might be familiar with EssentialsX.

Ok so basically, EssentialsX is just a bunch of very useful commands (which already includes moderation/administration commands) in one script/minecraft plugin. Many minecraft servers use this. It has alot of commands such as /nick (where you'd have a nickname that can be colorized), /me (you know what this is), and many more. Not just that but they also have in-plugin features such as an economy system and stuff. And they assign these commands to specific ranks so that not every rank can use it.?You can read more at their website. (not linking it, but you can search it up on google.)

I started off trying to remake this thing, but only the necessary commands for SAMP or Open MP. this script of mine that i'm making (could) help new scripters. It would work like this:

there would be 2 parts of this whole script, the ranks, and the individual commands and features.

So for the first part of the script, the "ranks" part, makes it easy to assign commands for people.

lets say for example you have want?a rank called "monstaX" (yikes)

so most servers would make a variable like: pInfo[playerid][pRank] = "monstaX"

and under every?command you make you need to add if statements such as: if(pInfo[playerid][pRank] == "monstaX") {

but in this script im developing, you create ranks within the script (or a config, idk might make a config.ini file or similar ye xzcmz)

and assign commands/features to the ranks you made?within the script/config aswell.

lets say for example you made the monstaX rank, you assign commands within a config (im not sure how im gonna make it yet so these are just assumptions). Like so:

note(again): this COULD be the config syntax, but im not sure, it would most probably change and be very different from what i type under here, it is just a visualization of what i am trying to say.


? ?permissions:

? ? ? ?- /me

? ? ? ?- /pay

? ? ? ?- /feed

again this is just a visualization.

so for the second part, the commands and features, this?is where other scripters can do their part.

so here, lets say we have this command:

CMD:ah(playerid, params[]) return callcmd::adminhelp(playerid, params);

CMD:ahelp(playerid, params[]) return callcmd::adminhelp(playerid, params);

CMD:adminhelp(playerid, params[])


if(!PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) && !PlayerInfo[playerid][pFormerAdmin])


? ?return SCM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[!]{ffffff} You are not authorized to use this command.");


if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)


SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{000000}Secret Admin:{FFFFFF} /a, /skick, /sban, /sjail, /pinfo, /spec, /reports, /admins, /flag, /removeflag");

SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{000000}Secret Admin:{FFFFFF} /ocheck, /oflag, /listflagged /(am)egaphone /listflags, /check, /dm");


if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)


SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, "[JA]{FFFFFF} /aduty, /adminname, /kick, /ban, /warn, /slap, /ar, /tr, /rr, /cr, /getip, /iplookup, /ogetip, /setint, /setvw");

SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, "[JA]{FFFFFF} /setskin, /revive, /heject, /goto, /gethere, /gotocar, /getcar, /gotocoords, /gotoint, /listen, /jetpack, /sendto");

SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGR---...........

so instead of having this, and manually having to put similar if statements for every new rank you want:

if(!PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) && !PlayerInfo[playerid][pFormerAdmin])


? return SCM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[!]{ffffff} You are not authorized to use this command.");


the script changes it to this:



? return SCM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[!]{ffffff} You are not authorized to use this command.");


more simple, right??

And this variable i made is what is gonna be assigned for each rank.

You can ask questions and clarrifications. I've wrote this very late and i'm tired.


Question:?If i release this script, will you use it?

Messages In This Thread
OpenMP/SAMP version of Jenkins EssentialsX Minercaft Plugin? - by Dev86 - 2019-04-22, 03:36 PM

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