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[Filterscript] PAEditor - an editor for attaching objects.
The goal was to develop an editor for attaching objects (PAEditor) with a user-friendly interface
Interface language:
  • English
  • Русский
  • Український
  • Беларускі

  • To start working, you need to press the Y key.
  • You can create a project and upload it. (The project is automatically saved.)

  • Left-click: Choose a single attachment.
  • Right-click: Choose multiple attachments simultaneously.

  • Export project to file: scriptfiles > project > export

  • Create a process for attachment.

  • Delete the current attachment.

  • Duplicate current attachment (retains size and coordinates).

  • Left-click: Enter, add, or open a list of objects.
  • Right-click: Open the list of objects.

  • Change bone for current attachment.

  • Mirror current object symmetrically and move to opposite bone.

  • Start editing the attachment.

  • Left-click: Enter, add, or open a list of colors.
  • Right-click: Open the list of colors.

Camera Move:

  • Enable/disable camera rotation in the quick access panel.

  • Set animation and add it to the list.

Clear Anim:
  • Clear the current animation.

Prev & Next Skin:
  • Left-click: Quick skin switching.
  • Right-click: Quick skin switching and automatic project export.


  • Set the skin.

> Images

Author: Saibot
I haven't tested it yet, but it looks good in the pictures.

good job
Update v1.1

Added the ability to rotate the camera during active quick access panel. Keys: up, down, left, right (arrow keys), and scaling with Shift, Alt.

Button changes:

- Left-click opens a dialog to choose a single attachment.
- Right-click opens a dialog to choose multiple attachments simultaneously.

If you select an attachment or multiple attachments using the right mouse button, you can move these attachments using the keys W S A D Q E when pressing the Edit button.

- Left-click opens a dialog where you can enter, add, or open a list of objects.
- Right-click immediately opens the list of objects.

- Left-click opens a dialog where you can enter, add, or open a list of colors.
- Right-click immediately opens the list of colors.

New buttons:

- Change the bone for the current attachment.

- Symmetrically mirrors the current object and moves it to the opposite bone. For example,
if the object was in the left hand, it will be moved to the right hand. If there is no opposite bone, it remains on the same one; for example, if it's the head, it stays there.

Camera Move:
- Enable/disable camera rotation in the quick access panel.

Prev & Next Skin:
- Left-click for quick skin switching.
- Right-click for quick skin switching and automatic project export.

New language added:
- Belarusian © 21st year
Update v1.2
  •     Fixed a bug with saving and loading a project. Projects created in version 1.1 must be deleted; they will not work.
  •     Now, after deleting an attachment, the previous attachment will be saved by default, and not the first one in the list, as it was before.
  •     Fixing minor bugs
Update v1.3

- New interface for editing attachments.
If an object is selected with the left mouse button in Manage, to open the new interface, right-click on Edit.
If an object or objects are selected with the right mouse button in Manage, the new interface is activated by default on the Edit button.
In the new interface, you can manually input axis data by right-clicking on the movement icon.

- The New button has been changed, now if you click with the left mouse button, a menu with bone selection opens.
If you click with the right mouse button, a menu opens to manually input data item by item, and you can also enter all data separated by commas.

- The Bone button has been changed, now it is Bone/Note
If you click with the left mouse button, you can change the bone
If you click with the right mouse button, you can change the comment for the current process

Minor improvements
  • Ability to show/hide the cursor with the MB5 key
  • Command /obj - create an object for viewing
  • Command /dellobj - delete an object
  • Teleport by marker
  • Added a new language, Portuguese
  • Now to zoom in or out the camera, use the E and Q keys instead of Shift and Alt

PS. You will need to transfer only the resources and project folders from the old version to the new one.


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