SA-MP GPS Plugin
![[Image: sampctl-samp--gps--plugin-2f2f2f.svg?sty...-the-badge]](
This plugin offers a way of accessing and manipulating the data of San Andreas map nodes and finding paths between them. It is intended to be a modern and straightforward replacement for RouteConnector. The plugin uses a simple implementation of the A* algorithm for pathfinding. Finding a path from the top-leftmost node on the map to the bottom-rightmost node that consists of 684 nodes takes just a few milliseconds. It is worth noting that this is my first successful project in C and the last time I tried writing something in C was over half a year ago so there is a lot of room for improvement and I am planning to continue improving the code of this plugin as I progress.
Advantages over RouteConnector
Simply install to your project:
Include in your code and begin using the library:
CreateMapNode(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, &MapNode:nodeid)
GetMapNodePos(MapNode:nodeid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z)
CreateConnection(MapNode:source, MapNode:target, &Connection:connectionid)
GetConnectionSource(Connection:connectionid, &MapNode:nodeid)
GetConnectionTarget(Connection:connectionid, &MapNode:nodeid)
GetMapNodeConnectionCount(MapNode:nodeid, &count)
GetMapNodeConnection(MapNode:nodeid, index, &Connection:connectionid)
GetConnectionBetweenMapNodes(MapNode:source, MapNode:target, &Connection:connectionid)
GetDistanceBetweenMapNodes(MapNode:first, MapNode:second, &Float:distance)
GetAngleBetweenMapNodes(MapNode:first, MapNode:second, &Float:angle)
GetMapNodeDistanceFromPoint(MapNode:nodeid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, &Float:distance)
GetMapNodeAngleFromPoint(MapNode:nodeid, Float:x, Float:y, &Float:angle)
GetClosestMapNodeToPoint(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, &MapNode:nodeid, MapNode:ignorednode = INVALID_MAP_NODE_ID)
SaveMapNodesToFile(const filename[])
FindPath(MapNode:source, MapNode:target, &Path:pathid)
FindPathThreaded(MapNode:source, MapNode:target, const callback[], const format[] = "", {Float, _}:...)
Task:FindPathAsync(MapNode:source, MapNode:target)
GetPathSize(Path:pathid, &size)
GetPathNode(Path:pathid, index, &MapNode:nodeid)
GetPathNodeIndex(Path:pathid, MapNode:nodeid, &index)
GetPathLength(Path:pathid, &Float:length)
Error codes
Threaded pathfinding
Finding a path from the position of the player to the LSPD building.
Asynchronous pathfinding
What if you could continue the process within the command while still taking advantage of the benefits of threaded pathfinding? You can, using the magic of PawnPlus tasks.
To test, simply run the package:
This plugin offers a way of accessing and manipulating the data of San Andreas map nodes and finding paths between them. It is intended to be a modern and straightforward replacement for RouteConnector. The plugin uses a simple implementation of the A* algorithm for pathfinding. Finding a path from the top-leftmost node on the map to the bottom-rightmost node that consists of 684 nodes takes just a few milliseconds. It is worth noting that this is my first successful project in C and the last time I tried writing something in C was over half a year ago so there is a lot of room for improvement and I am planning to continue improving the code of this plugin as I progress.
Advantages over RouteConnector
- Safer API - Unlike RouteConnector, this plugins does not give you an array of nodes as the result of pathfinding. Instead of that, it gives you the ID of the found path that can be used later on. Each function (except IsValidMapNode, IsValidPath and GetHighestMapNodeID) returns an error code and the real result of them is passed by reference.
- Compatibility - RouteConnector has a compatibility issue with some part of YSI that makes it call a wrong public function instead of the actual GPS_WhenRouteIsCalculated callback. This plugin lets you call a custom callback and pass arguments to it. In addition to that, RouteConnector uses Intel Threading Building Blocks for threading that has caused numerous compatibility (and PEBCAK) issues on Linux servers. This plugin uses std::thread for threading and does not have any dependencies. This plugin is also compatible with PawnPlus and supports asynchronous pathfinding out of box.
- Active development - RouteConnector has not been updated for over three years. As I said previously, I am planning to continue active development of this plugin for a long period of time.
- Performance - I have not done any benchmarks, but even with older versions users claimed that this plugin is multiple times faster than RouteConnector. A fix in the algorithm in version 1.2.0 made it around 30 times faster than it previously was.
Simply install to your project:
sampctl package install kristoisberg/samp-gps-plugin
Include in your code and begin using the library:
PHP Code:
#include <GPS>
CreateMapNode(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, &MapNode:nodeid)
- Adds a node to the map and passes the ID of it to nodeid.
- If the specified map node is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and tries to destroy it, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE. If the node is not a part of any path, it gets destroyed immediately, otherwise it will be destroyed once all paths containing it are destroyed, until that it will be excluded from pathfinding and several other features.
- Returns if the map node with the specified ID is valid.
GetMapNodePos(MapNode:nodeid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z)
- If the specified map node is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the position of it to x, y and z, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE.
CreateConnection(MapNode:source, MapNode:target, &Connection:connectionid)
- If both specified map nodes are valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE, creates a connection from source to target and passes the ID of it to connectionid, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE. Note: Connections are not double-sided may need to be added in both directions separately.
- If the specified connection is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and destroys it, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION.
GetConnectionSource(Connection:connectionid, &MapNode:nodeid)
- If the specified connection is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the ID of the source node of it to nodeid, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION.
GetConnectionTarget(Connection:connectionid, &MapNode:nodeid)
- If the specified connection is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the ID of the target node of it to nodeid, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION.
GetMapNodeConnectionCount(MapNode:nodeid, &count)
- If the specified map node is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the amount of its connections to count, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE. If count is larger than 2, the node is an intersection.
GetMapNodeConnection(MapNode:nodeid, index, &Connection:connectionid)
- If the specified map node is valid and it has a connection with the specified index, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the ID of the connection to connectionid, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE or GPS_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION depending on the error.
GetConnectionBetweenMapNodes(MapNode:source, MapNode:target, &Connection:connectionid)
- If both specified map nodes are valid, tries to find a connection from source to target. If a connection is found, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the ID of the connection to connectionid, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION. If either of the specified map nodes is invalid, returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE.
GetDistanceBetweenMapNodes(MapNode:first, MapNode:second, &Float:distance)
- If both of the specified map nodes are valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the distance between them to distance, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE.
GetAngleBetweenMapNodes(MapNode:first, MapNode:second, &Float:angle)
- If both of the specified map nodes are valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the angle between them to angle, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE.
GetMapNodeDistanceFromPoint(MapNode:nodeid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, &Float:distance)
- If the specified map node is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the distance of the map node from the specified position to distance, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE.
GetMapNodeAngleFromPoint(MapNode:nodeid, Float:x, Float:y, &Float:angle)
- If the specified map node is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the angle of the map node from the specified position to angle, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE.
GetClosestMapNodeToPoint(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, &MapNode:nodeid, MapNode:ignorednode = INVALID_MAP_NODE_ID)
- Passes the ID of the closest map node to the specified position to nodeid. If ignorednode is specified and it is the closest node to the position, it is ignored and the ID of the next closest node is passed to nodeid instead. Returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE if no nodes exist, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_NONE.
- Returns the ID of the map node with the highest ID. Could be used for iteration purposes.
- Passes the ID of a random map node, found using Mersenne Twister, to nodeid. Returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE if no map nodes exist, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_NONE.
SaveMapNodesToFile(const filename[])
- Saves all existing nodes and their connections to a file with the specified name.
FindPath(MapNode:source, MapNode:target, &Path:pathid)
- If both of the specified map nodes are valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and tries to find a path from source to target and pass its ID to pathid, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE. If pathfinding fails, returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH.
FindPathThreaded(MapNode:source, MapNode:target, const callback[], const format[] = "", {Float, _}:...)
- If both of the specified map nodes are valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and tries to find a path from source to target. After pathfinding is finished, calls the specified callback and passes the path ID (could be INVALID_PATH_ID if pathfinding fails) and the specified arguments to it.
Task:FindPathAsync(MapNode:source, MapNode:target)
- Pauses the current function and continues it after it is finished. Throws an AMX error if pathfinding fails for any reason. Only available if PawnPlus is included before GPS. Usage explained below.
- Returns if the path with the specified ID is valid.
GetPathSize(Path:pathid, &size)
- If the specified path is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the amount of nodes in it to size, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH.
GetPathNode(Path:pathid, index, &MapNode:nodeid)
- If the specified path is valid and the index contains a node, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the ID of the node at that index to nodeid, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH or GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE depending on the error.
GetPathNodeIndex(Path:pathid, MapNode:nodeid, &index)
- If the specified path is valid and the specified map node is a part of the path, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the index of the map node to index, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH or GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE depending on the error.
GetPathLength(Path:pathid, &Float:length)
- If the specified path is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and passes the length of the path in metres to length, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH.
- If the specified path is valid, returns GPS_ERROR_NONE and destroys the path, otherwise returns GPS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH.
Error codes
- GPS_ERROR_NONE - The function was executed successfully.
- GPS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS - An invalid amount of arguments was passed to the function. Should never happen without the PAWN compiler noticing it unless the versions of the plugin and include are different.
- GPS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH - An invalid path ID as passed to the function or threaded pathfinding was not successful.
- GPS_ERROR_INVALID_NODE - An invalid map node ID/index was passed to the function or GetClosestMapNodeToPoint or GetRandomMapNode failed because no map nodes exist.
- GPS_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION - An invalid connection ID/index was passed to the function.
- GPS_ERROR_INTERNAL - An internal error happened - threaded pathfinding failed because dispatching a thread failed.
Threaded pathfinding
Finding a path from the position of the player to the LSPD building.
PHP Code:
CMD:pathtols(playerid) {
? ?new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, MapNode:start;
? ?GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
? ?if (GetClosestMapNodeToPoint(x, y, z, start) != GPS_ERROR_NODE) {
? ? ? ?return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Finding a node near you failed, GPS.dat was not loaded.");
? ?}
? ?new MapNode:target;
? ?if (GetClosestMapNodeToPoint(1258.7352, -2036.7100, 59.4561, target)) { // this is also valid since the value of GPS_ERROR_NODE is 0.
? ? ? ?return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Finding a node near LSPD failed, GPS.dat was not loaded.");
? ?}
? ?if (FindPathThreaded(start, target, "OnPathToLSFound", "ii", playerid, GetTickCount())) {
? ? ? ?return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Pathfinding failed for some reason, you should store this error code and print it out since there are multiple ways it could fail.");
? ?}
? ?SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Finding the path...");
? ?return 1;
forward public OnPathToLSFound(Path:pathid, playerid, start_time);
public OnPathToLSFound(Path:pathid, playerid, start_time) {
? ?if (!IsValidPath(pathid)) {
? ? ? ?return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Pathfinding failed!");
? ?}
? ?new string[128], size, length;
? ?GetPathSize(size);
? ?GetPathLength(length);
? ?format(string, sizeof(string), "Found a path in %ims. Amount of nodes: %i, length: %fm.", GetTickCount() - start_time, size, length);
? ?new MapNode:nodeid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
? ?for (new index; index < size; index) {
? ? ? ?GetPathNode(pathid, index, nodeid);
? ? ? ?GetMapNodePos(nodeid, x, y, z);
? ? ? ?CreateDynamicPickup(1318, 1, x, y, z);
? ?}
? ?DestroyPath(pathid);
? ?return 1;
Asynchronous pathfinding
What if you could continue the process within the command while still taking advantage of the benefits of threaded pathfinding? You can, using the magic of PawnPlus tasks.
PHP Code:
CMD:pathtols(playerid) {
? ?new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, MapNode:start;
? ?GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
? ?if (GetClosestMapNodeToPoint(x, y, z, start)) {
? ? ? ?return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Finding a node near you failed, GPS.dat was not loaded.");
? ?}
? ?new MapNode:target;
? ?if (GetClosestMapNodeToPoint(1258.7352, -2036.7100, 59.4561, target)) {
? ? ? ?return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Finding a node near LSPD failed, GPS.dat was not loaded.");
? ?}
? ?SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Finding the path...");
? ?new Path:pathid = task_await(FindPathAsync(start, target)); // no error handling here, an AMX error will be thrown instead if the pathfinding fails
? ?new string[128], size, length;
? ?GetPathSize(size);
? ?GetPathLength(length);
? ?format(string, sizeof(string), "Found a path in %ims. Amount of nodes: %i, length: %fm.", GetTickCount() - start_time, size, length);
? ?new MapNode:nodeid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, index;
? ?while (!GetPathNode(pathid, index, nodeid)) // also note the alternative method of iterating through path nodes here
? ? ? ?GetMapNodePos(nodeid, x, y, z);
? ? ? ?CreateDynamicPickup(1318, 1, x, y, z);
? ? ? ?index;
? ?}
? ?DestroyPath(pathid);
? ?return 1;
To test, simply run the package:
sampctl package run
- kvann - Creator of the plugin.
- Gamer_Z - Creator of the original RouteConnector plugin which helped me understand the structure of GPS.dat and influenced this plugin a lot, the author of the original GPS.dat.
- NaS - Author of the fixed GPS.dat distributed with the plugin.
- Southclaws, IllidanS4, Hual - Helped me with the plugin in major ways (there were other helpful people as well, I appreciate it all).