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[Pawn] DISCORD Chat - SERVER Chat
I'l trying to make a Discord - Server chat here's my code:

public DCC_OnChannelMessage(DCC_Channel:channel, DCC_User:author, const message[])


new channel_name[100  1];

if(!DCC_GetChannelName(channel, channel_name))

return 0;

new user_name[32  1];

if (!DCC_GetUserName(author, user_name))

return 0;

new userid1[20];

DCC_GetUserId(author, userid1);

if(!strcmp(userid1, CHANNEL_ID)) return 0;

? ? if(channel != BotChannel) return 0;

new str[145];

format(str, sizeof str, "{667aca}[Discord] %s:{ffffff} %s", user_name, message);

? ? for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i) {

? ? SendClientMessage(i, -1, str); }

? ? return 1;


It dosn't work and also don't have errors...
You need to be more specific:

What doesn't work?

What have you tried?

What are you expecting the code to do?
What doesn't work?

Players can't see the messages sent in the discord server

What have you tried?

I tried only that code

What are you expecting the code to do?

When I chat in discord it will SenClientMessageToAll in-Game.
Well the thing is OnChannelMessage is deprecated, use the latest one OnMessageCreate and then fetch all info from DCC_Message ..

!damo!spiderman Wrote:You're pathetic. Stand for something that's going to help the world rather than fill it with more hate. Give someone a hug, tell someone you care... Do something, do anything but do it with love not hate.

that DCC_OnChannelMessage is long gone and has been replaced

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