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[Pawn] Got Restarting Reason But Server not Down
Why do I get a Server Restarting reason, but the server is not dead and I see in server_log.txt the reason is disconnected.
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Can you post the last 1-2 minutes from server_log.txt here? or last 10-20 rows

1:0 = ID 1 got Disconnect
1:1 = ID 1 Exit (/q)
1:2 = ID 1 Got Kicked or Banned
PHP Code:
[09:40:42] [Nex-AC debugMax ping500ping802
[09:40:42] [Nex-ACTerdeteksi pada ID 7. Reason code038
[09:40:43] [DIALOGAlec_Rodriguez[5]: ID1994RESPONSE1LISTITEM66INPUTTEXT67. Arrange riots
[09:40:43] [CMDClay_Rodriguez[3]: anim
[09:40:45] [CMDClay_Rodriguez[3]: anim
[09:40:46] [connection182.2.132.150:41493 requests connection cookie.
09:40:46] [connectionincoming connection182.2.132.150:41493 id8
[09:40:46] [connection180.214.233.81:14407 requests connection cookie.
09:40:47] [connection116.206.8.25:7156 requests connection cookie.
09:40:47] [connection125.164.237.118:50294 requests connection cookie.
09:40:47] [CMDAlec_Rodriguez[5]: anim
[09:40:47] [connectionincoming connection180.214.233.81:14407 id8
[09:40:47] [connection115.178.208.46:6783 requests connection cookie.
09:40:47] [connectionincoming connection115.178.208.46:6783 id8
[09:40:48] [connectionincoming connection116.206.8.25:7156 id9
[09:40:48] [connection125.164.237.118:50294 requests connection cookie.
09:40:48] [connectionincoming connection125.164.237.118:50294 id10
[09:40:49] [connection112.215.173.223:35160 requests connection cookie.
09:40:49] [connectionincoming connection112.215.173.223:35160 id8
[09:40:49] [DIALOGAlec_Rodriguez[5]: ID1994RESPONSE1LISTITEM10INPUTTEXT11. Say goodbye
[09:40:51] [CMDAlec_Rodriguez[5]: anim
[09:40:53] [Nex-AC debugMax ping500ping802
[09:40:53] [Nex-ACTerdeteksi pada ID 7. Reason code038
[09:40:54] [connection36.74.41.149:17990 requests connection cookie.
09:40:55] [connectionincoming connection36.74.41.149:17990 id8
[09:40:56Weapon Saved for Carlos_Harguera
[09:40:56] [partCarlos_Harguera has left the server (0:0)
09:40:57] [connectionincoming connection180.214.233.81:14408 id0
[09:40:57Weapon Saved for Arthur_Leonardo
[09:40:57] [partArthur_Leonardo has left the server (6:0)
09:40:59] [connectionincoming connection180.214.233.81:14409 id0
[09:40:59] [connection125.164.237.118:22860 requests connection cookie.
09:40:59Weapon Saved for Youkados_Martinez
[09:40:59] [partYoukados_Martinez has left the server (2:0)
09:40:59Weapon Saved for Clay_Rodriguez
[09:40:59] [partClay_Rodriguez has left the server (3:0)
09:41:00] [connection125.164.237.118:22860 requests connection cookie.
09:41:00] [partAgoy_Gustavo has left the server (7:0)
09:41:02Weapon Saved for Bryandos_Martinez
[09:41:02] [partBryandos_Martinez has left the server (4:0)
09:41:02Weapon Saved for Alec_Rodriguez
[09:41:02] [partAlec_Rodriguez has left the server (5:0)
09:41:05] [connectionincoming connection36.74.41.149:23159 id0
[09:41:06Weapon Saved for Adriansyah_Azhari
[09:41:06] [partAdriansyah_Azhari has left the server (1:0
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It says in-game the server is restarting? That'd be something in your script. And if it happens when someone disconnects, that'd be under OnPlayerDisconnect()
It's not like that, so when there is 1 person who disconnects, then everything will disconnect with the same reason as Lost Connection
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Move To https://www.burgershot.gg/showthread.php?tid=1208
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