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[Pawn] Help sublime compile on macOS
Hi everyone !

My gamemode is compile successfully with windows, but when I use my macOS for compile, it cannot run. I use sublime text for compiling, I?have installed PAWN plugin, edited sublime-build file but it still not working.

My build file:


"cmd": ["./pawncc", "$file", "-iinclude", "-o$file_path/$file_base_name", "-;", "-(", "-d3"],

"file_regex": "(.*?)[(]([0-9]*)[)]",

"working_dir": "/Users/mba0204/Desktop/Folders/Source/Bumios/Project/Gaming/GGMP/pawno/",

"selector": "source.pwn"


The error logs:

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: './pawncc'

[cmd: ['./pawncc', '/Users/mba0204/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/GGMPBuild.sublime-build', '-iinclude', '-o/Users/mba0204/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/GGMPBuild', '-;', '-(', '-d3']]

[dir: /Users/mba0204/Desktop/Folders/Source/Bumios/Project/Gaming/GGMP/pawno]

[path: /Users/mba0204/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.1/bin:/Users/mba0204/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.1@global/bin:/Users/mba0204/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/mba0204/.rvm/bin]

Seems "./pawncc" wasn't found. I always manually run pawncc (or rather, created a compile.sh file so I don't have to typ out all parameters all the time). Since I'm not familiar with using the compiler in that way, I'm not sure if "working_dir" ("dir") uses -D (I assume it does tho). Are pawncc and pawndisasm in there?

Also, a way more convenient way is to place "pawncc" and "pawndisasm" in /usr/bin (make sure they've executable permissions) and "libpawnc.dylib" in /usr/lib. Then you can call "pawncc" from anywhere (and thus the command line would start with "pawncc" and not "./pawncc")
I don't have any file with name `pawndisasm`.

And currently my macOS doesn't contain `/bin` and `/lib` folder, I have checked the hidden files but it not on the list.

Pawncc too, exe file can't be open by my mac.
Then find out where the files must be. I assumed some post I saw from MacOS X, which does have those directories.

Otherwise appearantly it's possible that it's to be placed under /Applications & /Library (not certain, though). I don't work with MacOS (fortunately) anyway.

Re-download the compiler though ; https://github.com/pawn-lang/compiler/releases/ --all the files you need are in there.

Also try running pawncc through terminal.

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