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BurgerShot posting bug
The text will be corrupted and unreadable when sending a new post:

[Image: image.jpg]

Can you post it here or on a paste platform like gist.github.com or pastebin.com please so I can test it personally and try to reproduce it?
(2021-01-16, 02:45 AM)iAmir Wrote: Can you post it here or on a paste platform like gist.github.com or pastebin.com please so I can test it personally and try to reproduce it?

This happens when you send post with a mobile phone.

An example : https://www.burgershot.gg/showthread.php?tid=1502
[Image: Pics-Art-01-16-05-16-24.jpg]
Using Pawn.CMD?

If you're doing so, this is the very first sign that you absolutely shouldn't utilize your all powerful P-Code knowledge in any of the scripting discussion topics.

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