2021-05-24, 11:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 2021-05-28, 02:54 AM by PutuSuhartawan.)
stock SendClientMessageEx(playerid, color, const text[], {Float, _}:...)
? static
? ? ? args,
? ? ? str[144];
? /*
? ? *? Custom function that uses #emit to format variables into a string.
? ? *? This code is very fragile; touching any code here will cause crashing!
? */
? if ((args = numargs()) == 3)
? {
? ? ? SendClientMessage(playerid, color, text);
? }
? else
? {
? ? while (--args >= 3)
? ? {
? ? ? #emit LCTRL 5
? ? ? #emit LOAD.alt args
? ? ? #emit SHL.C.alt 2
? ? ? #emit ADD.C 12
? ? ? #emit ADD
? ? ? #emit LOAD.I
? ? ? #emit PUSH.pri
? ? }
? ? #emit PUSH.S text
? ? #emit PUSH.C 144
? ? #emit PUSH.C str
? ? #emit PUSH.S 8
? ? #emit SYSREQ.C format
? ? #emit LCTRL 5
? ? #emit SCTRL 4
? ? SendClientMessage(playerid, color, str);
? ? #emit RETN
? }
? return 1;
Sir i don't know what does means in this function? i need to translate to learn what is meaning of this code.