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  simplificar checkpoints
Posted by: zzztgtzzz - 2019-05-30, 12:00 AM - Forum: Programaci?n - Replies (2)

Buenas! quer?a saber como se puede hacer para reducir los checkpoints, en vez de tener todas estas lineas, hacerlo mas reducido.

? ?if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"TEST_CP") == 0)

? ? ? ? ? ?{

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?SetPVarInt(playerid, "TEST_CP", 1);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -4048.2869,-3002.8801,1351.9772, 5);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?return 1;

? ? ? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ? ? ?if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"TEST_CP") == 1)

? ? ? ? ? ?{

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?SetPVarInt(playerid, "TEST_CP", 2);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?PuntoTest[playerid] ;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -4035.4558,-3038.5496,1351.9779, 5);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?return 1;

? ? ? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ? ? ?if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"TEST_CP") == 2)

? ? ? ? ? ?{

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?SetPVarInt(playerid, "TEST_CP", 3);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -4039.2056,-3066.4712,1351.9767, 5);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?return 1;

? ? ? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ? ? ?if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"TEST_CP") == 3)

? ? ? ? ? ?{

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?SetPVarInt(playerid, "TEST_CP", 4);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -4017.9539,-3052.5557,1351.9771, 5);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?return 1;

? ? ? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ? ? ?if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"TEST_CP") == 4)

? ? ? ? ? ?{

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?SetPVarInt(playerid, "TEST_CP", 0);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, ?-4048.2869,-3002.8801,1351.9772, 5);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?return 1;

? ? ? ? ? ?}

  y_inline - y_hooks
Posted by: Juance - 2019-05-28, 10:38 PM - Forum: Spanish/Espa?ol - Replies (2)

Buenas a todos, mirando por el foro me encontr? que muchos acostumbran a usar librer?as de YSI como son las: y_hooks y tambi?n y_inline

Alguien podr?a darme una breve introducci?n acerca de esos dos librer?as?y en qu? caso se pueden aplicar? muchas gracias

Posted by: Cubie - 2019-05-28, 12:49 PM - Forum: Pawn Scripting - Replies (8)

Is there actually a way to check if a loop is finished?

I'm going to try to explain.

e.g loop:

PHP Code:
foreach (new Player)


? ??if(
example[playerid] == 4)

? ? {

? ? ? 

? ? }

? ? return 

e.g what I wonder:

PHP Code:
[Loop Finishes]



If anybody knows a fancy other trick that is fine too off course.

Thanks in advance.

  Death spam bug
Posted by: Uberanwar - 2019-05-28, 03:39 AM - Forum: Pawn Scripting - Replies (4)

Hi guys, I am currently experiencing a death spam bug. I am unsure what exactly made it happen. It is rare to other players, but it happens often to those who are lagging. I previously never had this issue.

Quote:[27/05/2019 06:22:03] [connection] xxxxxxxx:21883 requests connection cookie.
[27/05/2019 06:22:05] [join] Deba has joined the server (7:xxxxxxxx)

[27/05/2019 06:22:19] OnPlayerSpawn - Deba (7) | X: -567.648986, Y: -1036.349975, Z: 24.195400, Int: 0, World: 0, Business: -1, Entrance: -1, House: -1

[27/05/2019 06:22:20] [death] Deba died 255
[27/05/2019 06:22:20] OnPlayerSpawn - Deba (7) | X: -567.648986, Y: 24.195400, Z: -1036.349975, Int: 0, World: 0, Business: -1, Entrance: -1, House: -1

[27/05/2019 06:22:20] [death] Deba died 255
[27/05/2019 06:22:21] OnPlayerSpawn - Deba (7) | X: -567.648986, Y: 24.195400, Z: -1036.349975, Int: 0, World: 0, Business: -1, Entrance: -1, House: -1

[27/05/2019 06:22:21] [death] Deba died 255
[27/05/2019 06:22:21] OnPlayerSpawn - Deba (7) | X: -567.648986, Y: 24.195400, Z: -1036.349975, Int: 3, World: 107, Business: -1, Entrance: -1, House: -1

[27/05/2019 06:22:21] [death] Deba died 255
[27/05/2019 06:22:22] OnPlayerSpawn - Deba (7) | X: -567.648986, Y: 24.195400, Z: -1036.349975, Int: 3, World: 107, Business: -1, Entrance: -1, House: -1

[27/05/2019 06:22:22] [death] Deba died 255
[27/05/2019 06:22:22] OnPlayerSpawn - Deba (7) | X: -567.648986, Y: 24.195400, Z: -1036.349975, Int: 3, World: 107, Business: -1, Entrance: -1, House: -1

[27/05/2019 06:22:22] [death] Deba died 255
[27/05/2019 06:22:23] OnPlayerSpawn - Deba (7) | X: -567.648986, Y: 24.195400, Z: -1036.349975, Int: 3, World: 107, Business: -1, Entrance: -1, House: -1

[27/05/2019 06:23:19] OnPlayerDisconnect - Deba (7) | X: -294.178710, Y: 1005.997924, Z: 19.585987, Location: Fort Carson | Int: 0, World: 0 [Reason: 1]
[27/05/2019 06:23:19] [part] Deba has left the server (7:1)

This is my OnPlayerDeath. What seems to be the problem??

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if(playerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
? ?return false; }
? ?
PlayerData[playerid][pSpawned] = 0;

new log[300], Float:pX, Float:pY, Float:pZ;
? ?new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);

if (killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
? ?if (1 <= reason <= 46) {
? ? ? ?format(log, sizeof(log), "[%s] %s (%d) has killed %s (%s) [%f %f %f] [World: %d, Int: %d] [Location: %s].", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(killerid), killerid, ReturnName(playerid), playerid, ReturnWeaponName(reason), pX, pY, pZ, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerLocation(playerid));
else {
? format(log, sizeof(log), "[%s] %s has killed %s (reason %d) [%f %f %f] [World: %d, Int: %d] [Location: %s].", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(killerid), ReturnName(playerid), reason, pX, pY, pZ, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerLocation(playerid));

if (reason == 51 && killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
format(log, sizeof(log), "[%s] %s has been killed by explosion by %s. [%f %f %f] [World: %d, Int: %d] [Location: %s].", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(playerid), ReturnName(killerid), reason, pX, pY, pZ, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerLocation(playerid));
if (reason == 51)
if(killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && vid != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
format(log, sizeof(log), "[%s] %s has been killed in a car explosion [vehicle id: %d]. [%f %f %f] [World: %d, Int: %d] [Location: %s].", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(playerid), vid, pX, pY, pZ, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerLocation(playerid));
else if(killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && vid == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
? ?format(log, sizeof(log), "[%s] %s has been killed in an explosion. [%f %f %f] [World: %d, Int: %d] [Location: %s].", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(playerid), pX, pY, pZ, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerLocation(playerid));

if (reason == 53 && killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
format(log, sizeof(log), "[%s] %s has drowned in the water. [%f %f %f] [World: %d, Int: %d] [Location: %s].", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(playerid), pX, pY, pZ, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerLocation(playerid));

if (reason == 54 && killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
format(log, sizeof(log), "[%s] %s has fell (Splat). [%f %f %f] [World: %d, Int: %d] [Location: %s].", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(playerid), pX, pY, pZ, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerLocation(playerid));

if (reason == 255 && killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
format(log, sizeof(log), "[%s] %s has suicided. [%f %f %f] [World: %d, Int: %d] [Location: %s].", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(playerid), pX, pY, pZ, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerLocation(playerid));


return true;

  error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
Posted by: mouiz - 2019-05-27, 04:52 PM - Forum: Pawn Scripting - Replies (4)

Here is an array containing points for a polygon:

new Float: ZombieZone [MAX_ZONES][] = {

{ 2595.0,52.0,2594.0,31.0,2569.0,31.0,2568.0,-16.0,2524.0,-19.0,2523.0,-48.0,2454.0,-50.0,2453.0,-75.0,2356.0,-76.0,2355.0,-106.0,



2548.0,147.0,2571.0,102.0,2595.0,52.0 },

{ 1229.0,113.0,1311.0,128.0,1400.0,192.0,1431.0,211.0,1442.0,238.0,1431.0,278.0,1525.0,361.0,1502.0,399.0,1419.0,465.0,1356.0,493.0,

1303.0,419.0,1221.0,368.0,1190.0,297.0,1182.0,231.0,1185.0,146.0,1229.0,113.0 },

{ 861.0,-636.0,871.0,-612.0,870.0,-577.0,831.0,-481.0,727.0,-435.0,651.0,-437.0,591.0,-475.0,591.0,-541.0,607.0,-614.0,655.0,-652.0,

861.0,-636.0 },

{ 270.0,-315.0,326.0,-258.0,378.0,-160.0,379.0,-61.0,337.0,-10.0,354.0,62.0,349.0,68.0,334.0,70.0,240.0,55.0,201.0,43.0,


18.0,-344.0,203.0,-345.0,270.0,-315.0 },

{ -21.0,-1122.0,-41.0,-1160.0,-56.0,-1158.0,-83.0,-1222.0,-104.0,-1217.0,-99.0,-1201.0,-135.0,-1187.0,-89.0,-1095.0,-21.0,-1122.0 },

{ -631.0,-1300.0,-665.0,-1689.0,-707.0,-1725.0,-775.0,-1692.0,-776.0,-1296.0,-745.0,-1258.0,-684.0,-1292.0,-631.0,-1300.0 },

{ -303.0,-2140.0,-259.0,-2138.0,-253.0,-2174.0,-246.0,-2249.0,-308.0,-2269.0,-344.0,-2158.0,-303.0,-2140.0 },

{ 148.0,-1743.0,346.0,-1741.0,384.0,-1777.0,463.0,-1751.0,642.0,-1776.0,711.0,-1809.0,711.0,-1916.0,398.0,-1908.0,399.0,-1933.0,380.0,-1933.0,



148.0,-1743.0 },

{ 2764.0,-2187.0,2764.0,-2251.0,2811.0,-2330.0,2810.0,-2566.0,2775.0,-2581.0,2721.0,-2581.0,2666.0,-2566.0,2526.0,-2697.0,2482.0,-2713.0,2427.0,-2713.0,


2391.0,-2205.0,2432.0,-2183.0,2764.0,-2187.0 },

{ 1753.0,-1601.0,1420.0,-1601.0,1448.0,-1430.0,1723.0,-1432.0,1753.0,-1601.0 },

{ 2849.0,-265.0,2592.0,-331.0,2676.0,-455.0,2914.0,-566.0,2849.0,-265.0 },

{ 1687.0,-262.0,1692.0,-374.0,1715.0,-483.0,1740.0,-499.0,1727.0,-638.0,1709.0,-773.0,1717.0,-816.0,1663.0,-795.0,1695.0,-667.0,1694.0,-563.0,

1684.0,-473.0,1663.0,-370.0,1651.0,-289.0,1652.0,-177.0,1687.0,-262.0 }


Here is the code for making the polygon (s)

for (new i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; i)


? ? Z_Zone [i] = CreateDynamicPolygon (ZombieZones [i][]);


But im getting this error:?

error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero

Any way how to fix this?

  Client/Server Crash Format
Posted by: JustMichael - 2019-05-27, 03:21 PM - Forum: Support - No Replies


This will be our official format thread for crashes caused by the?SA-MP Client or Server. You should follow this format if you have experienced a crash and would like help in getting it solved. We

will advise all members to use this, and failing to do so, might mean that other members will be less inclined to help you.

This format ensures that the OP (original poster), provides all the needed details to his/her case so that we as a community can provide the correct support. The following code block

will provide you with the needed text. You can copy and paste this text into your thread and then alter it to provide information about your case.

Client Format

[color=#ff33cc]Type:[/color] Client

[color=#ff33cc]Crash Code:[/color] 0x00000000

[color=#ff33cc]Crash Extra Information:[/color] <paste a link to hastebin/pastebin with the error from the crash dialog box>

[color=#ff33cc]Client Version:[/color] 0.3.7 R2

[color=#ff33cc]Mods Installed:[/color] Yes/No

[color=#ff33cc]Mods (if above is yes):[/color]

crashfix - [url=https://github.com/Whitetigerswt/gtasa_crashfix/releases]https://github.com/Whitetigerswt/gtasa_crashfix[/url]

[color=#ff33cc]Explanation (Be detailed yet simple in your answers):[/color]

I spawned in San Fierro, walked around until I found a vehicle, upon entering that vehicle (turismo, modded wheels) my game crashed.

Server Format

[color=#ff33cc]Type:[/color] Server

[color=#ff33cc]Operating System:[/color] Windows/Linux/Mac

[color=#ff33cc]Server Version:[/color] 0.3.7 R2-2

[color=#ff33cc]Plugins Installed:[/color] Yes/No

[color=#ff33cc]Plugins (If above is yes):[/color]

discord-connector - [url=https://github.com/maddinat0r/samp-discord-connector]https://github.com/maddinat0r/samp-discord-connector[/url]

PawnPlus - [url=https://github.com/IllidanS4/PawnPlus/]https://github.com/IllidanS4/PawnPlus/[/url]

[color=#ff33cc]YSI Included:[/color] Yes/No

[color=#ff33cc]Output (Logs):[/color] <paste a link to hastebin/pastebin with the logs included> (please remove any sensitive information)

Please make sure to use this format and to give as much information as possible

  sampctl linux compiling
Posted by: 6cadilab9 - 2019-05-27, 02:41 PM - Forum: Support - Replies (13)


So I switched to ubuntu 16.04 bc of my job and now I decided to move whole project on to sampctl because of its included linux compiler, now i installed all packages, setted the whole project up, and when i run

sampctl package build

the amx of 0 bytes is generated but nothing happens, i get nothing in the terminal it looks like its running but I don't believe that it's supposed to take this long especially with the machine im running it on

Posted by: Dev86 - 2019-05-27, 03:08 AM - Forum: Questions and Suggestions - Replies (7)

EditClientMessage(messageid, color, string[]);

would be a nice edition so we won't need to spam countdowns/percentages in chat.

but should be similar to CreateObject texturing, like:


new lol = SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "hi");

EditClientMessage(lol, 0xFF0000FF, "hello");

  Crashing when on desktop (Warning(opcode 0x812): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x571A00)
Posted by: whadez - 2019-05-26, 07:36 PM - Forum: Support - Replies (16)

My favourite crash types are those without a solution yet. I've read that it can be caused by invalid animations, but all of my animations are filtered, and they are being read from correct library. If anyone could help me with this I'd be very grateful. This crash occurs at crowded places after coming back from ALT䰀.

In chatlog:

Warning(opcode 0x812): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x571A00

Detailed crash log:

SA-MP 0.3.7-R3

Exception At Address: 0x00571A00

Base: 0x040B0000


EAX: 0xFFFFFFFF EBX: 0x00000000 ECX: 0x3B83126E EDX: 0xFFFFFFFF

ESI: 0x00C0B1D4 EDI: 0x00C0B1E0 EBP: 0xFFFFFFFF ESP: 0x0177F2CC

EFLAGS: 0x00010202


퍍: 0x006083A7? ?0x00C0B1E0? ?0x14CABB28? ?0x14BC68A8

퍍: 0x018EE750? ?0x00465E04? ?0x14BC68A8? ?0x00000812

퍍: 0x14CABB28? ?0x14C92E90? ?0x10E1A860? ?0x00000812

퍍: 0x0085B378? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000003

퍎: 0x14C92E90? ?0x0177F300? ?0x0177F37C? ?0x00837D18

퍎: 0x00000000? ?0x015696FB? ?0x00001005? ?0x14C92E90

퍎: 0x00000812? ?0x00000000? ?0x10E1A860? ?0x00000812

퍎: 0x00000000? ?0x00177D04? ?0x041A0F00? ?0x40833333

퍏: 0x00001005? ?0x14C92E90? ?0x00444550? ?0x00000000

퍏: 0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x414D4F57? ?0x61775F4E

퍀: 0x65736B6C? ?0x00007978? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000

퍀: 0x0177F538? ?0x00838121? ?0xFFFFFFFF? ?0x00473839

퍀: 0x00000812? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000812? ?0x0177F598

퍀: 0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x0177F3BC

퍁: 0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000

퍁: 0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000

퍝: 0x0177F3E4? ?0x00000044? ?0x00000037? ?0x0177F810

퍝: 0xFFFFFFFF? ?0x00000000? ?0x0177F574? ?0x041124AB

퍝: 0x10ED5BA9? ?0x40000000? ?0x00000003? ?0x0177F558

퍝: 0x00000004? ?0x00000080? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000004

퍞: 0x00000080? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000

퍞: 0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000004

퍞: 0x76FDB499? ?0x75464180? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000

퍞: 0x0177F45C? ?0x00000000? ?0x008E2EC0? ?0x00000000

퍟: 0x00B5D4A0? ?0x0177F468? ?0x008229E3? ?0x00B5D4A0

퍟: 0x0177F504? ?0x0177F504? ?0x00000000? ?0x0177F5B4

퍐: 0x004D395E? ?0x00B5D4A0? ?0x0177F504? ?0x000004EE

퍐: 0x10E1A860? ?0x0000FFFF? ?0x0048C3CE? ?0x00000001

퍐: 0x00000000? ?0x000004EE? ?0x0177F5B4? ?0x00000000

퍐: 0x00000001? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000

퍑: 0x00000000? ?0x00000001? ?0x0177F605? ?0x1F513750

퍑: 0x04162711? ?0x1F513430? ?0x0177F604? ?0x00000320

퍭: 0x00000001? ?0x15A81340? ?0x15A38148? ?0x0177FFFF

퍭: 0x040CFFFF? ?0x040CC906? ?0x0177F938? ?0x0000002F

퍭: 0x1F510808? ?0x000001A0? ?0x000001A0? ?0x00000198

퍭: 0x0177F938? ?0x15A38100? ?0x00444550? ?0x00000000

퍮: 0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000001? ?0x00000809

퍮: 0x00000030? ?0x00000030? ?0x00000028? ?0x0177F964

퍮: 0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x00000000? ?0x0177F588

퍮: 0x0083821C? ?0xFFFFFFFF? ?0x00469EF7? ?0x00000812

SCM Op: 0x812, lDbg: 1 LastRendObj: 19482

Game Version: US 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0

P0 (0,0) P1 (0,0) P2 (0,0) P3 (17,0)?

P4 (0,0) P5 (17,0) P6 (17,0) P7 (0,0)?

P8 (0,0) P9 (17,0) P10 (17,0) P12 (0,0) P13 (0,0) P14 (33,0) P15 (0,0)?

P16 (0,0) P17 (17,0) P18 (17,0) P19 (0,0)?

P20 (0,0) P21 (0,0) P22 (17,0) P23 (19,123)?

P24 (17,0) P25 (33,0) P26 (0,0) P27 (17,0)?

P28 (0,0) P29 (0,0) P30 (19,111) P31 (17,0)?

P32 (0,0) P33 (0,0) P34 (0,0) P35 (17,0)?

P36 (0,0) P37 (0,0) P38 (17,0) P39 (17,0)?

P40 (17,0) P41 (0,0) P42 (17,0) P43 (0,0)?

P44 (17,0) P45 (0,0) P46 (0,0) P47 (0,0)?

P48 (0,0) P49 (0,0) P50 (0,0) P51 (19,40)?

P52 (0,0) P53 (0,0) P54 (0,0) P55 (0,0)?

P56 (0,0) P57 (0,0) P58 (0,0) P59 (0,0)?

P60 (17,0) P61 (0,0) P62 (0,0) P63 (17,0)?

P64 (0,0) P65 (17,0) P66 (0,0) P67 (19,70)?

P68 (0,0) P69 (0,0) P70 (0,0) P71 (0,0)?

P72 (0,0) P73 (33,0) P74 (0,0) P75 (17,0)?

P76 (18,40) P77 (0,0) P78 (17,0) P79 (0,0)?

P80 (0,0) P81 (17,0) P82 (0,0) P83 (17,0)?

P84 (0,0) P85 (0,0) P86 (19,85) P87 (0,0)?

P88 (0,0) P89 (0,0) P90 (0,0) P91 (17,0)?

P92 (0,0) P93 (17,0) P94 (19,58) P95 (0,0)?

P96 (0,0) P97 (0,0) P98 (0,0) P101 (0,0) P102 (0,0) P103 (0,0)?

P104 (17,0) P106 (17,0) P108 (0,0) P112 (0,0) P118 (17,0) P122 (0,0) P123 (17,0)?

  Dynamically loading / unloading plugins
Posted by: XeroX - 2019-05-25, 11:15 PM - Forum: Questions and Suggestions - Replies (7)


not sure if this is already on your suggestion(s) list but would be nice to be able to (un)load plugins on the fly while the server is running.