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Rincon Pawn |
Posted by: G0NZ4L0 - 2019-04-14, 01:42 AM - Forum: Spanish/Espa?ol
- Replies (18)
Publica ac? cualquier cosa que se te venga a la mente pero que sea de pawn (especificamente el que se usa para servidores SA-MP) no se que se yo como:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_AYUDA, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Ayuda", "Genera\nCoches", "Seleccionar", "Atr?s");
Publiquen sus mamadas, tienen toda la libertad!
Posted by: Mugsy - 2019-04-14, 01:25 AM - Forum: Spanish/Espa?ol
- Replies (7)
Necesito a alguien uno o m?s que sepan crear bots de discord, los voy a sincronizar con mi servidor de SAMP, es importante y urgente, tendran un hueco en la administraci?n, todo serio nada de servidores con gm de FZ o por el estilo, gracias, cuando lo encuentre cierro el post.
Date a conocer. |
Posted by: Mugsy - 2019-04-14, 12:57 AM - Forum: Spanish/Espa?ol
- Replies (19)
Muy buenas a todos los usuarios, creo este post para poder conocernos m?s entre todos nosotros y conocer nuestras experiencias en este campo, en este tema puedes darte a conocer como persona y ofrecer servicios a los dem?s como: dise?o gr?fico, programaci?n, mapping y mucho mas, todo con la finalidad de poder crear una mejor comunidad y ayudarnos entre todos, pido si no es molestia que fijen este post para que este mejor situado, gracias. @Graber
Reglas del tema
Quote:Las reglas aplican aqu? como en todos los dem?s topics del foro
Solo puedes dejar 1 (UNO) mensaje, el cual puedes (o no) actualizar.
Si quieres contactar un scripter, utiliza su informaci?n de contacto y no respondas aqu?.
Habilidades: (Scripter, Mapper, Programador, Webmaster, otros).
Trabajos realizados:
Remuneraci?n: (Sugiero indicar moneda)
Informaci?n de contacto: (Si solo quieres que te contacten por PM sugiero dejar el link al mismo).
How to help |
Posted by: Y_Less - 2019-04-14, 12:54 AM - Forum: General Discussions
- Replies (53)
Right now there is a lot happening - I'm being absolutely flooded with messages, and I appreciate all of them! Thank you for all the support. It is taking me a while to sort through them though, so if I miss you out I sincerely apologise!
By far the most common question is, how can I help? So I'm going to address this here:
1) Keep pushing the message. Tell anyone and everyone. Get your favourite server owners in here, get your friends and clans on board. The biggest danger is that while we are riding high right now things will calm down and return to the old status-quo. Thus while we sort through everything and get organised we need to keep that pressure up.
2) Very similar to the above - use these forums. Post pictures of your cats (post pictures of your dogs too I guess, if you're in to that sort of thing), ask scripting questions, re-release your scripts and includes, post screenshots and videos (you can even use you(them)tube). Basically normalise using these forums for anything you used the official SA:MP forums for before. But most importantly - post pictures of your cats!
3) Don't insult anyone. We may have issues with the way things had been run before, but that doesn't mean we go after the people themselves.
4) We need a list of SA:MP bugs, a nice thorough one. Start compiling them, or how will we know if we've fixed them? I'll get my bugtracker up (or that's something else someone could work on - fiixing this bugzilla error:
Code: Encode version 2.87 required--this is only version 2.60 at /usr/share/perl5/Email/MIME/ContentType.pm line 7.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Email/MIME/ContentType.pm line 7.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Email/MIME.pm line 13.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Email/MIME.pm line 13.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl/5.20/parent.pm line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/MIME.pm line 14.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/Mailer.pm line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/Mailer.pm line 20.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/Auth.pm line 22.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/Auth.pm line 22.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla.pm line 23.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla.pm line 23.
Compilation failed in require at /var/www/bugs.y-less.com/index.cgi line 15.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/www/bugs.y-less.com/index.cgi line 15.
I'm sure it's not hard, it's just 2am here.
5) Related to above - tests. So we can prove bugs are gone. Consider using https://github.com/pawn-lang/YSI-Include...testing.md to write them (look up unit tests), and see here for examples: https://github.com/pawn-lang/YSI-Include...#L218-L227
6) The other big thing, the one we've been working hard on, is the code. This is where we will need the most help, though it is already well under way. However, right this minute it is not in a state suitable for general opening. If you are interested in this, and know C, tell us and we can move that forward.
7) I'm bad at graphics. We have some already, but more for promotion would be good.
8) Small modes. The examples that get bundled with a server. We need our own ones of those.
As I say, these are all little jobs that can be got on with while we sort out and organise the larger ones over the next few days.