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  Suggestion for OpenMP logo
Posted by: Archeex - 2019-04-15, 11:15 PM - Forum: Art - Replies (32)

Hello guys! I spent some time in Photoshop and I want to suggest my examples for OpenMP logotype. Ready for ur criticism, suggestions and wishes.

[Image: bTesXGs.png]

  Upcoming space server
Posted by: Baboon - 2019-04-15, 10:59 PM - Forum: Videos and Screenshots - Replies (25)

I've created a script that does orbital mechanics (based on earth's parameters). It creates and stores the trajectory, with velocities and other information regarding the orbit. Initially I started with a matlab script and simulated real-time how the sattelite would orbit the planet. Some orbits could take several hours, so I added a multiplier to speed up the motion. Obviously used scaling, since we can't make a planet the size of earth in the SA-map. The sattelite in the pictures represents a SpaceX dragon capsule connected to a Bigelow cabin (which has a diameter in reality of about 20 meters). I've also added 2 pictures where 2 sattelites are orbiting after one another, that just shows how small these objects are at a distance.

- Currently looking for modellers (blender) and mappers that would like to help me with this project. Please PM me if you'd like to!

Enjoy the vids and pics!

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCQb_EoB6kI&t=2s]
[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1eyw8KUdWA]

[Image: QhCIZgh.png]
[Image: 7udLfqh.png]
[Image: PNxhFp1.png]
[Image: mHKCn3H.png]
[Image: jwwWnHI.png]

see also: https://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=662170
and: https://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=662053

Exclamation 30 (treinta) millones de ? por estar 4 minutos con Khabib
Posted by: Mugsy - 2019-04-15, 10:10 PM - Forum: Offtopic - Replies (16)


Campe?n de MMA?

Ha destruido a McGregor?

80 kilos de puro m?sculo?

Gana 625 millones al a?o patrocinios?

Padre de 7 hijos?

22 cm?

Tienes que aguantar 4 MINUTOS en combate A MUERTE SIN REGLAS en el cuadril?tero reglamentario de UFC. Khabib te odia mas que a McGregor. Su objetivo es matarte.

No se permite ning?n arma ni retirarse durante el combate. Se cubre el cuadril?tero para evitar huidas. Si llegas vivo a los 4 minutos, un equipo de m?dicos expertos te atender? y cobrar?s 30 millones de leuros.

Salu2 y buen foro.

[Image: zSE_ereM7_930x525__1.jpg]


  Player Crash Support
Posted by: AkiraR - 2019-04-15, 07:27 PM - Forum: Support - No Replies


This thread is temporarily posted, and to be edited in the future of release of the first client. Til first release, any and all errors/crashes retaining to Grand Theft Auto, drop by.

  Vehicle Components Library
Posted by: pawnoholic - 2019-04-15, 06:47 PM - Forum: Libraries - Replies (2)

Vehicle Components Library

[Image: sampctl-samp--vehicle--components--libra...-the-badge]

This library add a new functions, which help find compatible upgrades.


Simply install to your project:

sampctl package install pawno-labs/samp-vehicle-components-library

Include in your code and begin using the library:

#include <components>


public OnVehicleMod(playerid, vehicleid, componentid)


? ? new modelid = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid);

? ? if (IsVehicleUpgradeCompatible(modelid, componentid))

? ? {

? ? ? ? new

? ? ? ? ? ? name[64],

? ? ? ? ? ? string[144];

? ? ? ? GetVehicleComponentName(componentid, name, sizeof(name));

? ? ? ? format(string, sizeof(string), "You have successfully installed \"%s\"", name);

? ? ? ? SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);

? ? }

? ? return 1;



To test, simply run the package:

sampctl package run

  [Gu?a] Instalaci?n y compilaci?n (ATOM) (Windows)
Posted by: ThePez - 2019-04-15, 05:12 PM - Forum: Programaci?n - Replies (8)

Esta gu?a fue traducida y un poco cambiada de este post

Hola usuario, te mostrar? c?mo instalar y compilar Atom en el sistema operativo Windows, Atom es un editor gratuito muy parecido a Sublime Text , s?lo que mejor con algunas funciones mejoradas y el nuevo (github)

para mas informacion?YouTube

1 - Vaya a Atom?y haga clic en instalar.

[Image: srvQyMK.png]

No te ense?ar? c?mo instalar el instalador porque es muy f?cil, s?lo tienes que hacer clic en next.


2 - Despu?s de instalar el ?tomo tendremos que instalar el chocolatey, luego abrir el prompt de comandos como administrador de elecci?n para que no se produzca ning?n error de permisos, y escribir el siguiente c?digo a continuaci?n.

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

[Image: np3gYxt.png]

Tardar? unos minutos en instalarse, no muchos s?lo esperen.

3 - Despu?s de instalar chocolatey instalaremos git y npm usando chocolatey , con la l?nea de comandos abierta empezaremos.

Instalando git

choco install git

[Image: iZpIEXr.png]

Instalaci?n de npm

choco install npm

[Image: qj3Q6At.png]

4 - Abra Atom, vaya a PACKAGES> Settings View> Install Packages y buscar Build e instalan el paquete Build.

[Image: EXDeWIU.png]

5 - Una vez instalado el paquete Build crear?s un archivo con el siguiente nombre ".atom-build.json" que puedes crear usando el bloc de notas o cualquier editor que tengas Atom, Notepad entre otros....


? "cmd": "pawncc.exe",

? "args": [ "{FILE_ACTIVE}", "-i{PROJECT_PATH}", "-D{PROJECT_PATH}", "-r{PROJECT_PATH}\\DOCS\\{FILE_ACTIVE_NAME_BASE}.xhtml", "-;", "-(", "-d0 -O1" ],

? "sh": false,

? "cwd": "C://PASTAPAWN", //Tu ruta del pawncc.exe

? "env": {

? }




? "cmd": "pawncc.exe",

? "args": [ "{FILE_ACTIVE}", "-i{FILE_ACTIVE_PATH}", "-D{FILE_ACTIVE_PATH}", "-r{FILE_ACTIVE_PATH}\\DOCS\\{FILE_ACTIVE_NAME_BASE}.xhtml", "-;", "-(", "-d0 -O1" ],

? "sh": false,

? "cwd": "C://PASTAPAWN", //Tu ruta del pawncc.exe

? "env": {

? }


Consulte?Build?para m?s informaci?n.

6 - Guarde el archivo atom-build.json en su carpeta raiz de tu proyecto sa-mp

PD: Tendras que crear varios archivos de compilacion (.atom-buil.json) por cada proyecto que quieras compilar

7 - A?ade el directorio o proyecto sa-mp a Atom y divi?rtete.

[Image: M4RGhJD.png]

para compilar presione F9 estando en archivo.pwn y F8 para alternar la consola.

Si quieres usar la sintaxis de pawn: post


Para mi Atom es un gran editor de texto, es el mejor que he probado, con su compatibilidad con git y github, lo hace aun mas increible.

Sus actualizaciones constantes ayuda mucho, y su f?cil accesibilidad.

Para mayor velocidad puedes usar el compilador hecho por Pawn-Lang?GitHub

  Open MP
Posted by: hello.world - 2019-04-15, 04:33 PM - Forum: Questions and Suggestions - Replies (4)

Can someone tell me about Open.mp and why Y_Less left SA-MP for his Open.mp? Was there a specific goal or just because he wanted to be the King?

(It will be better if Y_Less himself explains?this.)

Btw i like this idea if there are no problems like the internet tab thing and some other problems/limitations sa-mp has.

Rainbow Map partitioner (by frxstrem) [open.mp release only!]
Posted by: denNorske - 2019-04-15, 04:28 PM - Forum: Releases - Replies (7)

What is a map object partitioner?

- Split your maps from one file into several separate (or similar!)

So with initial use at freeroam projects i've had the last years, I've had several occations where I felt I needed a tool that could mark all the objects in a certain area, and be able to split it up from the rest of the objects.

It started out with me taking over a community, and where i had the urge to separate the maps in my code by area. Some maps were to be removed and replaced with new maps, but all the objects were mixed into 1 single file without any form for sorting. My friend, frxstrem (a really cool guy) helped me solve this by making the following tool.

For a preview, look at my attachment (a picture of it), or visit my instance of it hosted at https://extreme-stunting.net/map

Source code: https://github.com/dennorske/map-object-partitioner (yes it is a fork, but my friend told me I needed to maintain it, as he made it for my community back a few years).

It currently supports AddStaticVehicle, AddStaticVehicleEx, CreateDynamicObject and CreateObject codes - and if you for example want to visualize single "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" or similar, you can use either of the functions mentioned before. (make a new file and rename the occurences).

[Image: T5MoZA0.png]

Here is an example where i was debugging my script. Something kept crashing my players over long time, and in order to locate the issue, I attempted to log every crash and visualize it with my tool. Essentially, you can visualize anything in 2D on the map, just rename and use functions that are supported.

The code is written using Javascript, and is about 3 years old at the moment with no updates to it yet.


  1. You load your file with objects in a .inc or .pwn file (can be both CreateObject and CreateDynamicObject, can include vehicles too)

  2. Scroll and pan around in the image field, and create polygons as described to mark areas. You can have unlimited of polygons. Each object will be represented with a dot on the map, and will be in scale with the San Andreas map coordinates. Make sure to zoom out if you have objects outside of the shore-lines.

  3. When done, select update and download txt-file with the separated polygons to you computer. Feel free to rename them. Each polygon will include the objects you had inside them.

For support, post a reply here or create an issue on the repo.

Feature requests may lead to me learning more Javascript, so why not!

  will there be voice chat
Posted by: nik - 2019-04-15, 03:30 PM - Forum: Questions and Suggestions - Replies (21)

like how the epic streamers can talk to people ingame on fivem rp servers for gta5

  ?????? ?????????
Posted by: Luis_Harris - 2019-04-15, 02:51 PM - Forum: Russian/??????? - Replies (10)

?OPEN.MP?LIVE?VK? ? ?????????????? ????-????????????, ??????????? ?????? ?????????????OPEN.MP.?

?????? ?????????? ??????? ?? OPEN.MP ??????? ??????????????? ????????????????????????? ??????????

- ???????????? ?????. ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????, ??? ??????.

- ???????????? ????????????????????? ????????? ????? ?????????.

- ??????? ? ??????????? ? ???????????? ? ???????????.

[Image: oqb7nNM.jpg]